Holistic SEO

Holistic SEO is a mindset for advanced and deep search engine optimization, understanding, and ranking. Holistic SEO involves technical SEO, semantic SEO, local SEO, programmatic SEO, and on-page and off-page SEO practices and efforts. Holistic SEO was created to support digital entrepreneurs by providing them with the most advanced SEO guides, case studies, and courses. Koray Tugberk GUBUR is the founder and owner of Holistic SEO, which supports the Holistic SEO mindset and communities.

  • B2P Marketing: How it Works, Benefits, and Strategies

    B2P Marketing: How it Works, Benefits, and Strategies

    B2P marketing, known as Business-to-People marketing, represents a revolutionary shift in marketing strategies, acknowledging that individuals, rather than corporate entities, ultimately drive purchasing decisions. The business-to-people approach targets specific professionals or end users within businesses, recognizing their unique needs, preferences, and expectations. B2P marketing emphasizes personalized interactions and tailored experiences, aiming to build strong relationships…

  • SEO for Casino Websites: A SEO Case Study for the Bet and Gamble Industry

    SEO for Casino Websites: A SEO Case Study for the Bet and Gamble Industry

    Casino Search Engine Optimization is to provide a better organic search performance for websites from the gambling market and industry. SEO for Casino Websites involves competitive branding, historical data, search sessions, Information Retrieval, and Extraction optimization for gambling types and betting industries. Search Engine Optimization for casinos and casino affiliate websites is implemented with numerous…

  • Semantic HTML Elements and Tags

    Semantic HTML tags are used to define the function and meaning of elements within a website’s Document Object Model (DOM). These tags work in conjunction with other HTML elements to create web documents that are both accessible and optimized for search engines. For example, the “main” tag indicates the primary content of a parent HTML…