“aria-required” ARIA Label for Accessibility

The aria-required is an attribute that is determining if a form is ready to be submitted or required more inputs. The aria-required purpose is to give conditions or requirements in order for the process to continue to the next level. The developer can use the aria-required to notify or give a warning to the user that there is missing information that is needed to be filled out in order to proceed with submitting. The aria-required is a helpful attribute or property that can assist the user by informing that there is blank information to fill up. The aria-required can be used with elements such as input, select, and textarea. The aria-required can be used with other aria labels such as aria-labelledby, aria-describedby, aria-checked, and aria-autocomplete.

What is the function of the “aria-required” ARIA Label?

The function of aria-required requires the user to provide the necessary information that is needed before submitting a form. It is beneficial for the user not to be able to miss out on needed information, aria-required enables the screen reader to inform the user that a field is needed to be filled with information. The developer can require a checkbox to be toggled as a requirement of the form before submission. The elements function is not affected by the aria roles that are implemented, thus, the aria-required only informs the user that a number of fields should not be blanked.

What are the uses of the “aria-required” ARIA Label?

Listed below are the uses of the “aria-required” ARIA Label. 

  • Checkbox role: It is used for interactive controls like checkbox, for elements that contain a checkbox role should also include an aria-checked attribute to expose the checkbox’s current state to assistive technology.
  • Combobox role: It identifies that the element is an input control that is controlling other elements, that can dynamically provide necessary information for the user.
  • Gridcell role: It is used to build a cell in a grid or treegrid, it imitates the purpose of the table data element to provide a group of information.
  • Listbox role: It is used for providing static information for the user to select a number of items in a list form.
  • Textbox role: It is an element role that allows users to input text, the assistive technology will be notified that the element accepts text.

Example Uses of “aria-required” ARIA Label

Listed below are the example uses of the “aria-required” ARIA Label.

The aria-required works together with elements that required field inputs to have a value before proceeding to a Submit instance to go to another page.

<input type="checkbox" id="conditions" aria-required="true" />
<label for="conditions">Address is required</label>
<div class="text">
<label id="tp1-label" for="first"> Name:</label>
<input type="text" id="first" name="first" size="20"
aria-required="true" />
<div id="tp1" class="tooltip"
aria-hidden="true">Your name is required</div>
<div id="tbLabel">Your email is (required)</>
<div role="textbox" contenteditable aria-labelledby="tblabel" aria-required="true" id="email1"></div>
<div id="tbLabel">Input your First name (required)</>
<div role="textbox" contenteditable aria-labelledby="tblabel" aria-required="true" id="email1"></div>
<div id="tbLabel">Please enter Last Name (required)</>
<div role="textbox" contenteditable aria-labelledby="tblabel" aria-required="true" id="email1"></div>

What is the related ARIA Label to “aria-required”?

The aria-invalid is related to the aria-required because they are both providing a conditional statement or loop that, a specified requirement is needed in order for the data imputed will be accepted. The aria-invalid is more specific to the requirement that is needed, unlike the aria-required that is pointing to the blank fields. The aria-invalid condition is more of the format requirement, it is beneficial for the database that a  required format of data is imputed correctly.

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“aria-required” ARIA Label for Accessibility

by Holistic SEO time to read: 3 min