Contingent vs Contingency: Difference between Them and How to correctly use them

The word “contingent” means dependent on certain conditions or circumstances that occur or do not occur, while “contingency” refers to a possible event or condition that occurs in the future and for which provision has been made in advance. It refers to a plan or action implemented in response to such a possible event or condition. 

The differences and comparisons between “Contingent” and “Contingency” are listed below.

  • “Contingent” is used as an adjective to describe something dependent on certain conditions or circumstances subject to change or uncertain, and not certain to occur. 
  • “Contingent” is spelled with an “ent” at the end.
  • “Contingent” refers to something dependent on certain conditions or circumstances.
  • “Contingent” as a noun is used to refer to a group of people, things, or elements that are together for a particular purpose or situation.
  • “Contingent” refers to the dependent nature of something.
  • “Contingecy” is used as a noun to refer to a potential event or situation that happened or did not.
  • “Contingecy” is spelled with an “ency” at the end.
  • “Contingecy” refers to a potential event or situation that happens or does not. 
  • “Contingecy” refers to a plan or strategy in place in case of an unexpected event or situation.
  • “Contingecy” refers to a particular type of dependence. 

It is important to consider the context in which the word is used when deciding whether to use “contingent” or “contingency” to convey the intended meaning. One must utilize the right grammar and syntax to provide authentic and accurate information. Writers must comprehend word meanings, use acceptable language, and spell words correctly. Authors must be aware of the contexts and uses of phrases like “contingent” and “contingency” in writing.

The terms “contingent” and “contingency” must be used appropriately in order to convey the idea that was meant for the term, which is to provide information that is true and dependable. Some examples of sentences using the word “contingent” are “The company has a contingency plan in place in case of a natural disaster.” and “The employee’s salary increase is contingent upon meeting certain performance targets. The word “Contingency” in the first sentence is used as a noun to describe a plan that is in place to address a potential situation or event. Meanwhile, the word “Contingent” in the second sentence is used as an adjective to describe something dependent or conditioned on something else.

Knowing the difference between “contingent” and “contingency” is important for content writing and marketing because it helps ensure that the writing is clear, concise, and easily understandable by readers of all ages. Furthermore, using words accurately helps maintain professionalism in work and build trust with the audience. A well-rounded vocabulary enhances communication, whether speaking, writing, or promoting. Marketing is all about words. Successful marketing phrases may encourage people to buy. All marketing papers must be proofread and spelled correctly. Communicating a message requires proper word choice and writing techniques. The same is applicable to content writing; authors must improve their content quality to communicate healthier and generate better material. Professional content marketers use informative and factual writing to convey ideas to readers.

What does “Contingent” Mean?

The word “Contingent” means dependent on certain conditions or circumstances, subject to change, or possible but not certain. It refers to a group of people or things assembled for a specific purpose. It comes from the Latin word “contingere,” which means “to happen.” It was first used in English in the late 16th century. The primary definition of “contingent” according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is “dependent on something uncertain or in the future; conditional.” It is a common word in English used in many contexts, such as business, finance, law, and politics. It is an important word for daily life because it helps to describe situations that are uncertain, conditional, or dependent on specific circumstances. It is used to express the idea that something happens or not depending on specific conditions, and it helps clarify the uncertainty level in a given situation. It is particularly important in decision-making and planning, as it allows individuals and organizations to consider possible outcomes and make well-informed decisions.

What are the sentence examples with “Contingent”?

Listed below are the sentence examples with “Contingent.”

  • “The project’s success was contingent upon completing the necessary paperwork.” The word “contingent” was used in the sentence which means “dependent. Successful completion of the project was dependent upon the completion of the paperwork, as stated in the phrase.
  • “The offer for the job was contingent on passing a background check and drug test.” The word “contingent” was used in the sentence to emphasize that the offer is subject to certain circumstances and is not final until those circumstances have been satisfied.
  • “The sale of the house was contingent on the buyer obtaining financing.” The term “contingent” in the sentence was used to stress that the sale was conditional on the buyer obtaining finance.
  • “The use of the discount coupon is contingent upon a customer purchasing at least fifty dollars worth of groceries.” The word “contingent” was used in the sentence to imply that there is a causal connection between redeeming the voucher and spending $50 or more on food supplies.
  • “Juan’s continued stay in the country is contingent upon his ability to obtain a visa.” The term “contingent” was used in the sentence to show that the premise that Juan’s stay is conditional, meaning that it is only going to be extended provided certain criteria are satisfied.

When to use the word “Contingent” in a sentence?

Use the word “Contingent” to describe something dependent on certain conditions or events. It is often used to describe a situation that changes or is affected by other factors. A synonym of “Contingent” is “conditional”. It is used in many contexts, such as contracts, insurance, and business plans. For example, “The success of the project is contingent on adequate funding.” It does not use in contexts where something is certain or absolute. For example, it is not advisable to use “contingent” to describe something guaranteed to happen, as it implies the possibility of it not happening. Contingency is a plan or preparation for such an event; it is not a word used in the same context as “Contingent.”

How often is the word “Contingent” used in a sentence?

The word “contingent” is commonly used to indicate that something depends on certain conditions or circumstances. It is used to describe a group of people or things assembled or chosen based on certain criteria, or to describe an event or situation dependent on certain conditions. 

What are the synonyms of “Contingent”?

The word “Contingent” as an adjective has synonyms such as conditional, dependent, provisional, subject, and dependent. The words are used in contexts where something is dependent on certain conditions or circumstances. For example, “The success of the project is conditional (contingent) on the cooperation of all team members.” The word “conditional” was used in the sentence as a synonym of “contingent” to indicate “dependent on.” The text implies that the success of the project depends on everyone in the team working together. Another example is, “The agreement is provisional (contingent) and is reviewed after six months.” The term “provisional” was used in the sentence as a synonym of “contingent” to indicate temporary or susceptible to change, particularly in the absence of more facts or a final decision. The sentence implies that the agreement is not final and may be revised after a six-month review period. On the other hand, variations of the word include “Contingently” (adverb) and “Contingency” (noun) which refers to a possible event or circumstance that occurs or does not occur and is used in phrases such as “Contingency plan” or “Contingency fund”. An alternative to “Contingent” is “uncertain”, which refers to something that is not definite or fixed and is used in a sentence like “The outcome of the election is uncertain.”

What does “Contingency” Mean?

Contingency is a noun that comes from the Latin word contingentia, meaning “dependence on chance.” Contingency means “a future event or circumstance which is possible but is not predicted with certainty” according to the Oxford Dictionary. The concept has been used in English since at least the mid-16th century and is still commonly employed today. It is an important word for daily life because it helps people anticipate different outcomes of any situation, allowing them to make informed decisions accordingly.

What are the sentence examples with “Contingency”?

Listed below are the sentence examples with “Contingency.”

  • “The company has a contingency plan in case of a natural disaster.” The word “contingency” was used in the sentence to refer to a plan or preparation established in advance for an unpredictable future occurrence or condition.
  • “The project’s budget includes a contingency fund for unexpected expenses.” The term “contingency” in the sentence was used to imply an unforeseen incident or scenario that possibly occurs in the future and demands planning or preparedness.
  • “The military has a contingency plan for a potential attack.” The word “contingency” was utilized in the sentence to pertain to a backup plan or a course of action that is intended to be implemented in the case of an unexpected or unplanned incident.
  • “The despatch of the task force is purely a contingency measure.” The term “contingency” was used in the sentence to imply that the task force’s deployment is a preparation for a probable future occurrence or circumstance, especially one that is unexpected or possibly troublesome.
  • “City officials have implemented what they call Phase I of a contingency plan aimed at bringing pollution levels down.” The word “contingency” in the sentence was utilized to describe a pre-made strategy or course of action for an emergency or unanticipated circumstance.

When to use the word “Contingency” in a sentence?

Use the word “Contingency” as a noun to refer to a plan or course of action that is put in place to deal with a potential situation or event. It is often used in the context of risk management or emergency planning. Possible conditions or reasons to use “contingency” in a sentence include: Describing a plan that has been put in place to deal with a potential problem or crisis, explaining a backup plan or alternative course of action in case of unforeseen circumstances, referring to a provision or condition in a contract or agreement that outlines what happens in the event of certain conditions. A synonym for “contingency” is “backup plan”. “Contingent” is an adjective dependent on certain conditions or circumstances. It is often used in contracts or agreements, referring to something that is only binding or valid under certain conditions. It is not used in the same context as “Contingency” as it is an adjective and “Contingency” is a noun.

How often is the word “Contingency” used in a sentence?

The word “contingency” is used in various contexts, but it is generally considered a less common word. It is often used in formal or technical writing, such as in business or legal documents, to refer to a potential event or situation that occurs or not. It is used less frequently in everyday conversation.

What are the synonyms of “Contingency”?

Synonyms for “contingency” include possibility, likelihood, chance, probability, and eventuality. The words are used in the context of describing something that happens or does not happen in the future. For example, “There is a possibility (contingency) of rain tomorrow” The word “possibility” was used in the sentence as a synonym of “contingency” to indicate uncertainty and ambiguity. It is a synonym for contingency, a circumstance or scenario with an undetermined conclusion. This statement implies that it is possible to rain tomorrow, but not necessarily.  Another example is, “The likelihood (contingency) of success in the venture is uncertain.” The word “likelihood” was used in the sentence as a synonym for “contingency” which refers to a venture’s uncertain success. This indicates the venture’s success depends on several elements. Variations of the word include “contingent” and “contingently,” which describe something dependent on certain conditions or circumstances. Alternatives for the phrase “contingency plan” include a backup, fallback, emergency, and alternate plan.

What is the pronunciation of “Contingent” and “Contingency”?

The pronunciation of “Contingent” is “kuhn-tin-juhnt,” while the pronunciation of “Contingency” is “kuhn-tin-juhn-see.” The mentioned words are nouns, and they have similar but different meanings. The phrase “contingent” refers to anything that is reliant or conditional on another, such as a contingency plan that is only implemented if specific circumstances are satisfied. Meanwhile, the word “Contingency” refers to a condition or plan that is meant to cope with a probable future occurrence or circumstance, such as a catastrophe contingency plan. Both phrases are used to represent a plan or scenario that is contingent on particular events or circumstances in a number of situations, including business, insurance, and disaster management.

Comparison between “Contingent” and “Contingency”

The table below shows the comparison between “Contingent” and “Contingency.”

English WordsDefinitionContextExamples
ContingentContingent happens or does not depend on certain conditions or circumstances. It refers to something dependent on a particular event or condition.“Contingent”, when discussing business, refers to something that occurs or does not occur in the future and impacts decisions. “The sale’s closing is contingent upon the buyer obtaining financing within 30 days.”

“The launching of the new product is contingent on marketing team clearance.”
ContingencyA contingency is a possible event or circumstance that occurs or does not occur in the future and for which plans or preparations are made. A contingency is a potential event or situation that occurs and has an impact on a given system or plan. It is often used in the context of risk management and planning, where contingencies are identified, and plans are developed to mitigate or respond to them as they occur. “The company has a contingency plan in case of a natural disaster.”

“The firm had a contingency plan in place that enabled them to swiftly adjust and lessen the effect on its business operations.”

Why are “Contingent” and “Contingency” misused interchangeably in English?

The misuse of “contingent” and “contingency” in English is primarily because they sound very similar when pronounced. It leads to confusion as to which word is used, leading people to learn them together and incorrectly use them interchangeably. The best solution is for writers to carefully consider which word is most appropriate given the context and take care to choose one or the other rather than using them both at once. Additionally, writers have to read their work aloud to ensure it sounds correct.

Are “Contingent” and “Contingency” the most commonly misused English words?

No, “contingent” and “contingency” are not the most commonly misused English words. Words such as “affect/effect,” “farther/further,” and “than/than” are more commonly misused English words than contingent and contingency. The words differ in connotations and are thus used correctly for effective communication even though the words appear to have similar meanings in different contexts.

What are the other similar Misused Word Pairs like “Contingency” and “Contingent” in English?

Listed below are similar misused word pairs like the words “contingency” and “contingent” in English.

  • Accept” vs. Except”: People confuse the words “accept” and “except” frequently just like they mix up “Contingency” and “Contingent.” It is because they sound similar, but they have different meanings and uses when constructing sentences. The definition of “accept” is “to agree,” “to receive,” or “to consent to do something.” Meanwhile, the word “except” means “to exclude or leave out of consideration.”
  • “Advice” vs. “Advise”: “Advise” and “Advice” is easily confused words, just like other commonly misused word pairs such as “Contingent” and “Contingency.” However, they have their own unique definitions and usages when it comes to putting sentences together. The term “advise” refers to the act of providing advice, whereas the term “advise” refers to the specific recommendation that is provided.
  • “Aloud” vs. “Allowed”: The words “aloud” and “allowed” have similarities to misused word pairs like “contingent” and “contingency,” especially because of their different meanings when used in sentences. It is confusing for people, so it’s important to take care when using them. The phrase “aloud” is another word for “out loud.” The word “allow” means to give that person permission to carry out that activity.
  • “Desert” vs. “Dessert”: The misuse of the words “Contingent” and “Contingency” in the English language is the same as the misuse of the words “desert” and “dessert,” mainly because of their differences in usage and connotations when it comes to the structure of a sentence. The word “desert” is a noun that refers to a dry, arid geological feature. It is occasionally referred to as giving up on something or walking away from it. Meanwhile, a sweet treat that is served after the main course is referred to as “dessert.”
  • “Principal” vs. “Principle”: The words “principal” and “principle” has a similarity to the misused word pairs “Contingent” and “Contingency,” particularly because they are in the family of homophones, but they have distinct definitions. The terms have diverse roles when it comes to the structure of a sentence. The word “principal” refers to the person in charge of a school; nevertheless, it is sometimes used to refer to something significant or the amount of money that was initially borrowed. On the other hand, a “principle” is a fundamental norm or belief, and the word itself refers to either of these.

What should a content writer consider in using the words “Contingent” and “Contingency”?

The content writers must consider the grammar and definition of “contingent” and “contingency” in writing. They are important to consider in writing because they convey the idea of dependence on specific conditions or circumstances. For example, “contingent” is an adjective, so it is used to describe a noun, such as “contingent event.” “Contingency” is a noun, so it is used in a sentence as a subject or an object. It’s important to remember the different connotations the words carry. “Contingency” implies uncertainty, risk, and potential negative outcome, while “contingent” implies dependence and conditionality.

Can content writers use “Contingent” and “Contingency” in one sentence?

Yes, it is possible to use “contingent” and “contingency” in one sentence without grammatical errors. It is because they are related terms that have different meanings. A contingent situation is an event or circumstance that happens but isn’t certain. Contingency refers to a plan of action taken as a response to such a situation. An example of a correctly used sentence is: “The success of the project depends on the contingent contingencies established.” It means that the project’s outcome relies on the conditions put in place beforehand. Contingent and contingency are commonly used in sentences as they refer to something happening or existing depending on certain circumstances. However, the words make the sentence unclear or confusing if used incorrectly. For instance, saying, “The decision is contingent contingencies”, doesn’t make sense because contingent refers to action while contingency is a condition.

How do Content Writers use “Contingent” and “Contingency” in their articles?

A content writer uses the terms “contingent” and “contingency” when writing about situations dependent on other factors or events. For example, a content writer writes: “Investing in stocks is contingent upon understanding market trends.” The sentence uses the term “contingent” to emphasize that investing in stocks depends on knowing market trends. A content writer uses the term “contingency” when discussing plans or strategies for future events. For example, a content writer wrote; “Organizers planned for various contingencies in case of bad weather.” The sentence demonstrates how contingency describes preparing alternative plans in response to unpredictable occurrences. Content writers need to understand the difference between the two words because they have different meanings, which have to be accurately conveyed to their audience. Additionally, using the wrong word in content writing confuses or misleads readers.

Do Content Writers use “Contingent” and “Contingency” incorrectly?

Yes, content writers sometimes misuse the words “contingent” and “contingency.” “Contingent” is an adjective dependent on or conditioned by something else. “Contingency” is a noun that means a possible event or situation that occurs or not, depending upon some other factor. Content writers have to be careful to use the terms correctly to communicate clearly.

Do Misused Words such as “Contingency” and “Contingent” affect SEO and UX?

Yes, using misused words such as “contingency” and “contingent” harm both SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and UX (User Experience). SEOs are not able to properly index content if they use incorrect words, resulting in lower rankings and fewer visitors. Additionally, readers become confused or frustrated when they encounter a word that isn’t correctly used, negatively impacting their overall user experience. 

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1 thought on “Contingent vs Contingency: Difference between Them and How to correctly use them”

  1. You have “Contingency” misspelled in the large illustrative box @ the top of your webpage.

    Well done, otherwise, though.


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Contingent vs Contingency: Difference between Them and How to correctly use them

by Holistic SEO time to read: 14 min