504 HTTP Response Status Code Definition: Example, Usage, Methods

The 504 HTTP Status Code means that the request is a gateway timeout. The 504 HTTP Status Code indicates that the server, acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a response from the upstream server in time to complete the request. The difference between the 504 HTTP Status Code and the 500 HTTP Status Codes is that the 500 HTTP Status Code indicates that the server is unsure how to handle the situation, whereas the 504 HTTP Status Code indicates that the server did not receive a timely response from another server while attempting to load the web page or fill another browser request.

What does 504 HTTP Status Code Mean?

The 504 HTTP Status Code means that a web server attempting to load a page for you did not receive a timely response from another server from which information was requested. It’s called a 504 error because that’s the HTTP status code used by the webserver to define that type of error. The error can occur for a variety of reasons, but the two most common are that the server is overburdened with requests or that it is undergoing maintenance.

How to Use 504 HTTP Status Code for a Website?

To use the 504 HTTP Status Code in a website, the web developer should change the Gateway Timeout configuration from the webserver files such as “nginx.conf”. The 504 HTTP Status Code page can be customized by web developers. As a result, you may encounter different-looking 504 HTTP Status pages on various websites. It’s important to remember that the 504 HTTP Status Code is a server-side error. That means the issue is with the website you’re attempting to access, not with your computer.

How to Check 504 HTTP Status Code?

To check the 504 HTTP Status Code use the web browser network tab and developer tools for every resource that the client uses.

Which HTTP Method is used with 504 HTTP Status Code?

There is only one method used with the 504 HTTP Status Code which is the PUT method. In the 504 HTTP Status Code, the PUT method is used to submit an entity to the specified resource, which frequently results in a state change or side effects on the server.

There is a related HTTP Response Header with the 504 HTTP Status Code which is the 500 HTTP Status Codes because they are both server error responses to a situation that the server is unsure how to handle.

What are the Browsers Compatibility of the 504 HTTP Status Code?

You can see the table that shows the browser’s compatibility of the 504 HTTP Status Code below. 

Browsers NameBrowser Compatibility of 504 HTTP Status Code
Internet ExplorerYES
WebView AndroidYES

What are the other Similar Status Codes to the 504 HTTP Status Code?

There are other similar HTTP Status Codes to the 504 HTTP Status Code. The following HTTP Status Codes are listed below.

  • 502 Bad Gateway HTTP Status Code: This error response indicates that the server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway to obtain the response required to handle the request. The 502 HTTP Status Code is similar to the 504 HTTP Status Code which is also a server error response.
  • 506 Variant Also Negotiates HTTP Status Code: The 506 HTTP Status Code is similar to the 504 HTTP Status Code because they are both server error responses. The 506 HTTP Status Code indicates that the server configuration error: the selected variant resource is configured to engage in transparent content negotiation itself, and so is not an appropriate end point in the negotiation process, the server has an internal problem.
  • 505 HTTP Version Not Supported HTTP Status Code: The server does not support the HTTP version used in the request. The 505 HTTP Status Code is similar to the 503 HTTP Status Code which is also a server error response.
  • 507 Insufficient Storage (WebDAV) HTTP Header: The method could not be performed on the resource because the server is unable to store the representation required to complete the request successfully. The 507 HTTP Status Code is similar to the 503 HTTP Status Code which is also a server error response.
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504 HTTP Response Status Code Definition: Example, Usage, Methods

by Holistic SEO time to read: 3 min