431 HTTP Response Status Code Definition: Example, Usage, Methods

The 431 HTTP Status Code means the request header field is too large indicates the server refuses to process the request due to the request’s header fields being too large. The request may be resubmitted after the request header fields are reduced in size. It can be used when the total number of request header fields is too large, or when a single header field is causing problems. In the latter case, the response representation should include information about which header field was excessively large. The difference between 400 and 431 is that the 400 HTTP Status Codes indicate that due to an apparent client error, the server is unable or unwilling to fulfill the request, whereas the 431 HTTP Status Code indicates that the server is refusing to process the request because one of the header fields, or all of the header fields, is too large.

What does 431 HTTP Status Code Mean?

The 431 HTTP Status Code means request header fields are too large indicating that the server rejects the request due to the request’s HTTP headers being excessively long. After lowering the size of the request headers, the request may be resubmitted. The 431 HTTP Status Code is used when the total size of the request headers is excessive, or when the size of a particular header field is excessive. To assist those encountering this error, send a note in the response body indicating which of the two is the issue and which headers are excessively long. This enables users to attempt to resolve the issue, for example, by clearing their cookies. Servers frequently return this result if the Referer URL is too long or if the request contains an excessive number of Cookies.

How to Use 431 HTTP Status Code for a Website?

To use the 431 HTTP Status Code is when the server refuses to handle the request due to the request’s header fields being too lengthy. The request may be resubmitted after the request header fields have been reduced in size.

How to Check 431 HTTP Status Code?

To check the 431 HTTP Status Code Error. The following are listed below.

  • Eliminating the referrer URL: This query should be eliminated if you know that you have active links on a long URL.
  • Walking through your code: There are times when you don’t need a space in your code, but there are times when you need. Data that you don’t utilize or require can potentially put users at risk of exceeding their character limit.
  • Examining your cookie settings: Authorization code issues may result in your site’s users receiving numerous cookies, which may result in unwanted HTTP errors.
  • Accepting more cookies: Allow more cookies in if that’s the root of the problem. Cookies do have security flaws, so use caution while using them. Nevertheless, accepting more cookies may be beneficial if your goal is to get rid of an error code at all costs.

Which HTTP Method is used with 431 HTTP Status Code?

There is only one HTTP Method used with 431 HTTP Status Code which is the HEAD Method. The HEAD method requests the same response as the GET method, but without the response’s content.

There is a related HTTP Response Header with the 431 HTTP Status Code which is the 451 HTTP Status Code. The 451 HTTP Status Code indicates that the user agent requested a resource that could not be lawfully given, such as a government-censored web page. They are also both client error responses.

What is the Browser Compatibility of 431 HTTP Status Code?

The 431 HTTP Status Code is compatible with all browsers including Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, and Webview Android. 

What are the other Similar Status Codes to the 431 HTTP Status Code?

There are other similar HTTP Status Codes to the 431 HTTP Status Code. The following are listed below.

  • 414 URI Too Long HTTP Status Code: The 414  HTTP Status Code is similar to the 431 HTTP Status Code because they are both client error responses. The 414  HTTP Status Code indicates that the client’s URI request is longer than the server will interpret.
  • 426 Upgrade Required HTTP Status Code: The 426  HTTP Status Code is similar to the 431 HTTP Status Code because they are both client error responses. The 426  HTTP Status Code indicates that the server declines to process the request using the current protocol but may do so if the client upgrades to a different protocol. In a 426 response, the server includes an Upgrade header to indicate the required protocols.
  • 428 Precondition Required HTTP Status Code: The 428  HTTP Status Code is similar to the 431 HTTP Status Code because they are both client error responses. The 428  HTTP Status Code indicates that the origin server expects a conditional request. 429 Too Many Requests HTTP Status Code: The 429  HTTP Status Code is similar to the 451 HTTP Status Code because they are both client error responses. The 429  HTTP Status Code indicates that too many requests have been made in a short period of time by the user (rate limiting).
  • 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons HTTP Status Code: The 451 HTTP Status Code is similar to the 431 HTTP Status Code because they are both client error responses. The 451 HTTP Status Code indicates that a server operator has received a legal demand requesting that it deny access to a resource or a collection of resources that contains the requested resource.
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431 HTTP Response Status Code Definition: Example, Usage, Methods

by Holistic SEO time to read: 4 min