Advertising Statistics

Advertising statistics contain facts and numeric values related to advertisement technologies, budgets, spending, and results. Advertising statistics are part of marketing statistics. The 2022 advertising statistics can be found below.

  • The Global Advertising Budget for digital marketing exceeded $600 Billion. Source: Google
  • Nike’s sales reached $9 billion. In 1998, it was 800 million dollars. Source: Sprout Social
  • 7.7 Billion of the human population are online, and 2.4 billion social media accounts exist. Thus, social media advertising increases its effect every year by more than 32%. Source: Holistic SEO & Digital
  • Humans watch more than 1.2 billion hours of YouTube Videos every day. Source: Social Media Today
  • 1.5 Billion user accounts exist on YouTube. Source: YouTube
  • Video Advertising stats show that people remember for the next 30 days if they see a video advertisement. Source: Tecjury
  • Video content is shared 12 times more than regular text and image content. Thus, advertising statistics show that the video marketing budget is bigger than the textual marketing budget. Source:
  • 79% of online users choose to watch videos rather than read about the products. Source:,

How much did Nike’s sales reach, and how does this compare to their sales in 1998?

According to Sprout Social, Nike’s sales soared to an impressive 9 billion dollars, a stark contrast to its 1998 sales figures of 800 million dollars. This substantial growth over a span of years illustrates the brand’s ability to adapt, innovate, and capture market share in a competitive industry. A range of factors may have contributed to this rise, including strong marketing campaigns, technological advancements in product design, and a global expansion strategy. The difference in sales figures between the two time periods serves as a testament to Nike’s enduring success and its impact on the sportswear and lifestyle markets. It also indicates the significant transformation and scaling that the company has achieved, going from hundreds of millions to billions in sales revenue.

What percentage does social media advertising increases by its effect each year?

According to Holistic SEO & Digital, the effectiveness of social media advertising amplifies annually by over 32%. This significant rate of increase highlights the growing role of social media as a potent tool for advertisers. Factors contributing to such a rise could include an upsurge in user engagement, more sophisticated targeting algorithms, and broader reach due to global internet penetration. With 7.7 billion people online and 2.4 billion social media accounts in existence, the potential audience for social media advertising is immense and still expanding. The annual growth rate of 32% implies that investments in social media advertising are likely yielding substantial returns, making it an increasingly important part of comprehensive marketing strategies. The ongoing shift in consumer behavior towards digital platforms reinforces the rationale for this growing focus on social media advertising.

What is the total human population online, and how many social media accounts exist as per Holistic SEO & Digital?

According to Holistic SEO & Digital, the global online population stands at 7.7 billion, with 2.4 billion social media accounts in existence. These figures point to the pervasive nature of internet usage and social media engagement across the world. The data likely reflects a multitude of online activities, from social networking to e-commerce and beyond. With such a vast online audience, opportunities for digital advertising and audience engagement are correspondingly immense. Moreover, the large number of social media accounts suggests a thriving ecosystem for social media advertising, providing businesses with a significant platform to reach consumers. The statistics offer a compelling reason for companies to invest in online and social media marketing strategies, given the extensive reach and engagement levels these platforms can offer.

How many hours of YouTube Videos do humans watch every day?

Based on information from Social Media Today, humans collectively watch over 1.2 billion hours of YouTube videos daily. Such a staggering number underscores the platform’s immense popularity and its influence as a medium for information, entertainment, and advertising. The extensive daily watch time indicates high levels of user engagement, making YouTube an attractive platform for advertisers aiming to reach a wide and diverse audience. In addition to individual content creators, businesses can utilize the platform for marketing purposes, whether it’s through sponsored content, advertisements, or brand-owned channels. The sheer volume of daily hours watched suggests that video content resonates deeply with a global audience, a factor that can significantly impact marketing strategies and the types of content that are produced. This statistic reveals not just the scale of YouTube’s user base, but also the enormous potential it holds for shaping public opinion, consumer behavior, and even cultural trends.

What is the total number of user accounts on YouTube?

According to data from YouTube, the platform boasts a staggering 1.5 billion user accounts. This figure highlights YouTube’s role as a major global platform for content sharing, information dissemination, and social interaction. With such a vast number of accounts, YouTube offers a diverse and expansive audience for content creators and advertisers alike. The platform’s global reach and high user engagement levels make it an attractive venue for various types of content, from entertainment and education to marketing and advocacy.

For businesses and advertisers, the large user base offers the opportunity for targeted marketing campaigns that can reach specific demographics or interest groups among the 1.5 billion users. Given the wide array of content available, users are likely to spend considerable time on the platform, increasing the chances of interacting with sponsored content or advertisements. The statistic not only speaks to the platform’s popularity but also to its utility as a tool for communication and marketing in the digital age.

How many times more is video content shared compared to regular text and image content?

According to, video content enjoys a much higher rate of sharing compared to regular text and image content, being shared 12 times more often. This data emphasizes the compelling nature of video as a medium. Video’s dynamic and immersive attributes often make it more engaging and easier to consume, likely contributing to its higher share rate. This information is particularly significant for content creators and marketers who aim to maximize the reach and virality of their content.

The statistic implies that investing in video production can yield a higher level of user engagement and wider dissemination compared to other types of content. Given the importance of shareability in today’s digital landscape, where word-of-mouth and social sharing can greatly impact visibility and reach, the 12-fold increase in sharing for video content provides a compelling reason for its inclusion in marketing and communication strategies. It suggests that video is not just a nice-to-have but increasingly a must-have in content strategies.

What percentage of online users prefer to watch videos rather than read about products?

According to, a significant 79% of online users would rather watch videos than read text when learning about products. This statistic highlights the influential role of video content in modern consumer behavior and decision-making processes. The high percentage suggests that videos are more effective in capturing audience attention and conveying product information in an engaging manner. For marketers, the figure underscores the importance of incorporating video into product promotions and advertising strategies.

Given that the vast majority of online users favor video, there exists a substantial opportunity for brands to connect with potential customers through this medium. Videos can be used for various marketing purposes, such as product demonstrations, testimonials, or detailed explanations, providing a richer and more comprehensive understanding of a product’s features and benefits. The data indicates that businesses that fail to leverage video content may miss out on a significant portion of their potential market. Therefore, understanding and capitalizing on this consumer preference can be pivotal for success in the competitive digital marketplace.

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Advertising Statistics

by Holistic SEO time to read: 5 min