Importance of Keyword Search Volume for SEO

Keyword Search Volume is an SEO metric used to understand and optimize the query search demand for certain phrases that web search engine users type into the search bar to satisfy their search intent. Keyword search volume is a fundamental concept for SEO, and information retrieval systems to understand the relevance of a document to a query. Keyword search volume is the number of times the specific phrase is used for searching for certain intents during a certain time. Keyword search volume changes from month to month, search vertical to search vertical, and search engine to search engine. Search engine technologies such as SEMrush, or Ahrefs use Clickstream and Web Browser extensions to track user behaviors to determine search demand by using their AI algorithms to predict specific search demands. Keyword search volume is an important metric for search engine optimization and advertisement. High search demand for a keyword increases the Pay Per Cost (PPC) while affecting the competitiveness for rankings.

Keyword search volume is expressed as Query Search Demand, or Query Popularity along with Search Term Frequency in search engine researchers and the information retrieval systems papers. To use keyword search volume (query search demand) Because the concept “keyword” belongs to journalism rather than search engine optimization. The keyword concept is used by SEO technologies heavily, and it became the main term for queries. Thus, saying “search query”, or “search term” is a better concept than “keyword”. To use the keyword search volume efficiently, understanding information retrieval principles, relevance score calculation, query clustering, parsing, processing methods of search engines, and question generation, along with the answer pairing methods are important.

Keyword search-demand affects the search engine result page features, rankings, document count, and rankings. The key facts about keyword search volume are listed below.

  • Keyword search volume affects search engine result page features.
  • Keyword search volume affects PPC value because for more search engine users, the popular search terms are targeted by Google Ads performance marketers more.
  • Keyword search volume affects SEO Projects because most searched queries are targeted more by the SEOs.
  • Keyword Search Volume affects candidate web page count to be ranked because, for more popular search queries, more documents are created.
  • Keyword search volume changes from the search vertical to search vertical. A query in the image search vertical can be searched more in the news search vertical. For example, the query “war” can be searched less in the image search vertical than in the news search vertical.
  • Keyword search volume changes based on the search engine. A query can be searched more, or less according to the search engine. For example, the query “love” can be searched more in the Google search engine than in the Microsoft Bing search engine.
  • Keyword search volume affects how search engines process a query. A query can signal multiple different entities’ relevance, or contexts. Possible contexts and relevance points for a keyword affect the perception of the search engine.
  • Search engines prioritize different keywords based on their search demand (search volume) for indexing new documents and adjusting the rankings.
  • Query search-demand helps a search engine to understand the multiple different search intents and possible search behaviors of the search engine.
  • Queries contain different entities, and query search-demand signals the entity’s prominence to the searching audience.
  • Query search-demand helps a search engine cluster different queries based on query semantics.
Contents of the Article show

What are the methods to Find Keyword Search Volume?

There are 5 main methods to find keyword search volume. The main methods to find keyword search volume are listed below.

  • Use an SEO Tool to understand keyword search volume.
  • Use candidate document count to understand keyword search volume.
  • Use impressions from Google Search Console to find keyword search volume.
  • Use SERP Features variety to understand the keyword search volume.
  • Use the average anchor text, and external reference popularity of documents to understand keyword search volume.

The methods to find keyword search volume involves direct search volume prediction analysis, along with inferring and auditing the search demand value for a keyword via SERP features, ranking changes, and Google Search Console impression inferring. The most precise method to check the keyword search volume is using a certain keyword search volume checker technology such as SEMrush, Ahrefs, MOZ, SERanking, etc.

How to Audit Keyword Search Volume with Ahrefs?

Audit keyword search volume with Ahrefs with the steps below.

  • Open an Ahrefs Account.
  • Open Ahrefs Dashboard
  • Choose Ahrefs Keyword Explorer Tool
  • Choose the Search Engine among Google, YouTube, Amazon, and Microsoft Bing for keyword search volume check with Ahrefs.
  • Write the targeted keyword to learn its search volume on the Ahrefs Keyword Explorer tool.
  • Choose the targeted geography for the specific keyword’s search volume on Ahrefs.
  • Examine the keyword search volume column to learn the volume of the specific keyword.

Ahrefs gives keyword search volume based on its own algorithm. It doesn’t provide a certain keyword search volume value. Ahrefs gives the amount of “clicks” for a keyword, and keyword search volume changes over the month. An example keyword search volume search with Ahrefs is below.

Ahrefs Keyword Search Volume
Ahrefs Keyword Search Volume Checker gives Traffic Potential, Global Keyword Search Volume ,and related queries search volume.

How to Find Keyword Search Volume with SEMrush?

Audit keyword search volume with Ahrefs with the steps below.

  • Open a SEMrush Account.
  • Open SEMrush SEO Dashboard
  • Choose SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool
  • Write targeted keyword to learn its search volume on SEMrush.
  • Choose the targeted geography for the specific keyword’s search volume on SEMrush.
  • Check the keyword search volume column to learn the search volume of the specific keyword.

SEMrush gives the keyword search volume approximately. SEOs shouldn’t take the SEMrush keyword search volume as precise search volume. An example of keyword search volume checking with SEMrush is below.

SEMRush Keyword Search Volume Check
SEMrush keyword search volume gives keyword search volume for different geographies along with Cost Per Click information.

How to Check Keyword Search Volume with MOZ?

Check keyword search volume with Moz with the steps below.

  • Open a MOZ Account.
  • Open MOZ SEO Dashboard
  • Choose MOZ Keyword Explorer Tool.
  • Click on Keyword Overview Section.
  • Write targeted keyword to learn its search volume on Keyword Overview of MOZ.
  • Choose the targeted geography for the specific keyword’s search volume on MOZ.
  • Check the keyword search volume column to learn the search volume of the specific keyword with MOZ.

MOZ Keyword search volumes are not precise. Thus, SEOs use keyword search volume cautiously with MOZ. An example of a keyword search volume audit with MOZ is below.

MOZ Keyword Search Volume
MOZ Keyword Search Volume Checker gives Organic CTR guess and Priority of the keyword for a content development strategy.

What is the best way to Check Keyword Search Volume?

The best way to check keyword search volume is using a search engine optimization tool that gives the predicted search volume per keyword. SEO tools can’t give the exact keyword search volume. Thus, all of them have to be estimated search-demand per certain period. To increase the certainty of the estimated keyword search volume, auditing the impressions of certain web pages that rank at the first three ranks for certain queries provides a better understanding. Auditing the search demand for a query phrase requires skepticism and continuous testing. Because search demand is not a fixed number. Search demand of a keyword changes from a season to season, or seasonal events, and breaking news. Thus, an SEO strategy that uses the keyword search volume should understand that trending queries, and entities will help certain documents to rank higher. And, SEOs can create different types of semantic content networks, and content strategies to help their websites stay relevant, updated, and quality for every angle, and query usage behavior changes. Thus, keyword search volume checking via SEO tools, and actual Google Search Console data, along with the Google Ads Keyword Planner data is necessary.

Are Keyword Research Volume and Search Volume the same?

Yes, keyword research volume and search volume are the same things. Keyword research volume is a different phrase that means the same thing as keyword search volume. Both of the concepts involve a certain number of searches for a certain phrase or a certain search engine.

Are Query Search Demand and Keyword Search Volume the same?

Yes, query search demand and keyword search volume are the same. Query search demand is used heavily in the Information Retrieval Systems and keyword search volume is used heavily in SEO tools and community. Query search demand academically is more correct, while keyword search volume is more popular in the SEO community.

Are Search Term Volume and Keyword Search Volume the same?

Yes, search term volume and keyword search volume are the same. A search term is a synonym for the search query phrase and keyword. Thus, search term volume and keyword search volume mean the same thing, which is a certain number of searches for a certain amount of time over a search engine.

What do Search Engines use keyword search volume for?

Search engines use keyword search volume for mainly three different search engine tasks. These search engine tasks that are related to keyword search volume are listed below.

  • Query clustering based on keyword search volume.
  • Query intent understanding based on search volume.
  • Query entity association based on search volume.
  • Query Question generation based on search volume.
  • Query search result construction with search volume.

Keyword search volume helps search engines prioritize indexation, and crawling for certain queries, and refresh the indexes for trending queries. Keyword search volume is a useful metric for keyword clustering, and document clustering along with the Information Retrieval related asks such as term weight calculation and topicality understanding. Search engines use keyword search volume to understand how many users can be satisfied faster, and better, with different search engine-related tasks.

How do Search Engines use the Keyword Search Volume for Clustering?

The main benefit of keyword search volume for search engine tasks is keyword clustering. Keyword clustering is a method for search engine optimization along with search engine building. Search engines use phrase listings and entity listings along with triples to optimize query-document distances. Query clusters are related to query semantics. A query semantically is relevant to another query even if there is no lexical relation. Query clusters use the keyword search volume to determine a parent query, or a seed query to understand which query belongs to which query cluster. Query clusters are helpful for creating document clusters. Understanding how search engines create different query clusters, and how they weight different terms in the queries and documents for relevance, and responsiveness is important for search engine optimization. Thus, keyword search volume is a bi-directional concept for understanding the search engine and optimizing for the search engine. Query semantics and keyword search volume create different query clusters and networks. A query network is the collection of different query clusters, while a query cluster is the collection of different queries. Query clusters and networks are relevant to semantic search, and the semantic web. Thus, keyword search volume is a central concept for semantic SEO.

How do Search Engines use the Keyword Search Volume for Ranking?

Search engines use keyword search volume to adjust ranking algorithms. Based on the keyword search volume, the centrality of a word and the weight of the term for relevance calculation changes. Changed relevance score affects the rankings of the documents. Knowledge base and graph are included for search volume-affected ranking algorithms. Because every query is connected to a topic. Every topic is a concept or an existing unique self-dependent thing that is an entity. Search volume-related ranking algorithms work both with semantics and strings. Information Retrieval and Extraction, both work to find and rank relevant, responsive, and quality documents for different queries. Thus, keyword search volume involves understanding the relevance of a phrase to a concept, a concept to a topic, and a network of queries to calculate the overall relevance and responsiveness of the documents to the needs behind the queries. Thus, changing search demand for a phrase, or keyword search volume requires a change in the rankings. Semantic relevance and distance between keywords affect rankings via relevance and topicality. The query search-demand helps a search engine to create sub-query clusters. A query search demand in the query cluster affects the rankings of documents that target that specific sub-query cluster. If the query search demand is high, and the query changes its cluster, it means that the rankings need to change heavily. Broad core algorithm updates are mainly for understanding the relevance of phrases and queries to each other along with configuring the query responsiveness signals and quality signals for websites. Thus, keyword search volume is a central term to understand how Google ranks, and uses search volume for search engine result page construction. To understand keyword search volume’s effect on Google Ranking Algorithms, understand initial and re-ranking algorithms along with their indexation methods.

What do SEOs use keyword search volume for?

SEOs use keyword search volume to provide better relevance and overall rankings with the proper web page connections. Keyword search volume is a metric that is used to create content briefs, strategies, and author guides. An importantly big volume keyword suppresses many other lesser keyword search volumes. Thus, the SEO needs to take the specific keyword into the center of the document to have a better rankability. But, focusing on a single keyword because of its high level of search volume is not useful in semantic SEO. Because, the query phrases with high search volume might not have centrality in the topic, or can’t be used alone. Thus, the SEO needs to understand the topical borders and connections. A keyword with high search demand involves a central phrase that is used thematically together with other related phrases. Providing those meaningful connections between the high keyword search volume keywords, and low search volume keywords is prominent to use keyword search volume properly in the search engine optimization.

To use the keyword search volume in semantic SEO, SEOs should follow the instructions below.

  1. Understand the highest search volume keyword’s possible contexts.
  2. Understand the topical borders and knowledge domains around the high search volume keyword.
  3. Focus on the meanings of phrases rather than solely their strings, and letters.
  4. Use the related phrase variations by providing meaningful, accurate, and information-rich text in the correct context.
  5. Target the highest search volume keyword by connecting it to different entities, topics, and contexts.
  6. Create a semantic content network to have the best possible relevance radius for the related concepts and contexts.

The instructions above explain how SEOs should use keyword search volume.

How do Keyword Search Volume and Candidate Document Count correlate to each other?

Keyword Search Volume and Candidate Document Count correlate to each other because keyword popularity is followed by the competing web page amount to be ranked by the search engine. The query gets more popular with higher search demand. It is targeted by more web documents. The query search-demand creates more search activity. More search activity creates more related documents and increases keyword difficulty. Thus, the candidate document count represents the web pages from different websites on the same topic that target the specific query to be ranked for. There is not an exact percentage of the proportion between the query search demand and the candidate document count. Candidate document count is the search result count that is given by the search engine. The correlation and percentage between the search result count and keyword search volume are positive, and it changes from topic to topic, season to season.

A search engine can index documents, and prefer to not serve some of these documents because of not enough relevance, or quality. Thus, search engines use multiple indexes, such as the main index and supplemental index. The increased keyword difficulty and competitiveness cause search engines to put many documents into the supplemental index. Thus, the document count (search result count) for a query indicates its popularity of the query. Can a query be targeted to more candidate web pages without popularity? Yes, a search query can be targeted by more web pages despite there being no good search demand. In certain situations, a query might provide a great number of conversions for monetization. These types of situations might increase the query result count despite the lower search demand. Thus, assuming that there is a proper percentage between the query result count and query search demand is not accurate.

How does Keyword Search Volume change from search engine to search engine?

Keyword Search Volume changes from search engine to search engine based on search engine user count, user behaviors, and document count that is indexed. A search engine has a specific theme for videos, images, or web documents. Thus, certain search engines focus on certain topics and users. For example, Pinterest is a visual search engine mainly for lifestyle. Microsoft Bing is a Google search engine competitor, and DuckDuckGo is a privacy-focused search engine. Thus, every search engine has different search volumes for the same search terms. Search Engine Industry shares affect keyword search volume across different search engines. Google has 4.3 billion users worldwide with a 92.24% worldwide search engine market share. Google search engine has the highest search demand and activity among other search engines.

What is Estimated Keyword Search Volume?

Estimated Keyword Search Volume is the predicted search volume for a specific search term. Estimated keyword search volume is used in SEO projects to estimate the number of clicks that can be gotten organically. Advertisers use Estimated Keyword Search Volume for estimated Pay Per Click value. In Search Engine Optimization, certain keyword search volume is only known by the search engines themselves. SEOs use estimated search volumes with trends and search data that come from third-party tools. Thus, most zero search volume keywords in SEO tools that can check search volume are actually not keywords with zero search volume.

How to See Keyword Search Volume on Google?

Keyword search volume on Google is seen via Google Ads Keywords Planner, Google Search Console Impression Data, and Google Trends. Google doesn’t give precise information for keyword search volume. But, Google technologies are better to be sure about the specific keyword’s search volume. Third-party tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and MOZ are used for Google, Microsoft Bing, Yandex, and YouTube keyword search volumes.

How to See Keyword Search Volume on Microsoft Bing?

Keyword Search Volume on Microsoft Bing is seen on Microsoft Bing Webmaster Tools with the help of impression data. Microsoft Bing Webmaster Tool helps marketers and SEOs to perform keyword research and gives the keyword search volume with high certainty.

Does Keyword Search Volume have a certainty?

Certainty of keyword search volume changes based on different search engines. Microsoft Bing gives a certain search volume of keywords with Microsoft Webmaster Tools. but Google doesn’t give an exact search volume, although it provides Google Trends, Google Keywords Planner, and Google Search Console data.

Is Keyword Search Volume a concept for all search engines?

Yes, keyword search volume is a concept for all search engines. Examples of search engines with keyword search volume are below.

  • Microsoft Bing Keyword Search Volume involves a precise number of searches for a keyword for a certain time. Microsoft Bing has 900 million searches a day.
  • Google Keyword Search Volume involves a precise number of searches for a keyword for a certain time. Google has 6.9 billion searches a day.
  • Yandex Keyword Search Volume involves a precise number of searches for a keyword for a certain time.
  • DuckDuckGo Keyword Search Volume involves a precise number of searches for a keyword for a certain time.
  • YouTube Keyword Search Volume involves a precise number of searches for a keyword for a certain time.
  • DailyMotion Keyword Search Volume involves a precise number of searches for a keyword for a certain time.
  • Facebook Keyword Search Volume involves a precise number of searches for a keyword for a certain time.
  • Instagram Keyword Search Volume involves a precise number of searches for a keyword for a certain time.
  • Twitter Keyword Search Volume involves a precise number of searches for a keyword for a certain time.
  • Pinterest Keyword Search Volume involves a precise number of searches for a keyword for a certain time.
  • Yep Keyword Search Volume involves a precise number of searches for a keyword for a certain time.

What are the best tools for Keyword Search Volume?

The best keyword search volume auditing tools are listed below.

  • Google Ads Keyword Planner
  • Google Trends
  • Google Search Console
  • Ahrefs Keyword Explorer
  • SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool
  • MOZ Keyword Overview

What is the keyword search volume importance for keyword research?

Keyword search volume importance for keyword research affects the main SEO strategy, targeted search behaviors, searcher profile, persona, and website content development strategy, along with the main topics to be targeted. Keyword search volume is a fundamental effect of search engine optimization. Entity-oriented search and keyword search volume work together within query semantics. A high-search volume query doesn’t necessarily require a new web page creation. Since, the Panda Update, opening a web page per a topic is not useful. Thus, keywords are organized based on their topicality. Queries from the same topic are targeted together to help with Semantic SEO efforts. Keyword search volume is helpful in deciding when to open a new web page, or which topics should be prioritized. The importance of keyword search volume for keyword research is summed up below.

  • Keyword search volume affects SEO Stragegy and the content development process.
  • Keyword search volume affects web page count, internal linking, and information tree.
  • Keyword search volume affects overall keyword research for website optimization for organic search.
  • Keyword search volume is intersected with Semantic SEO with topical connections and topical map creation.
  • Central words in queries have a priority in content creation strategy by processing the queries as search engines.
  • Keyword research involves processing, parsing, rewriting, augmenting, and associating queries as search engines do.
  • Keyword search volumes and the calculation of probable probabilities of search behaviors help keyword research.

What is the keyword search volume importance for different keyword types?

Query (keyword) types vary according to perspective. Keywords are classified by Andrei Broder (A Google Search Engineer) in the Taxonomy of Search according to the needs behind the query as below.

  • Informational
  • Navigational
  • Transactional

In Google Quality Raters, the word query appears over 671 times. Google Quality Rater Guides classify keyword types into four as below.

  • Informational
  • Navigational
  • Transactional
  • Visit in Place

Visit in Place queries are the local search queries. In reality, Google search engine engineers differentiate queries according to their themes, and there are many different types of queries such as “Crisis Queries”, “Entity-seeking queries”, “Answer-seeking queries”, “Implicit question queries”, “Imcpmplete queries”, “Well-structured queries”, and more. Thus, query classification is done with different methods and metrics. According to Holistic SEO, queries are classified based on the search behaviors, the connectedness of topics and contexts, along with the format of the query. Keyword search volume is affected by the query type because the search engines give different types of search results based on the query type. SERP affects how users behave. User behaviors involve how users search. Changed user behaviors affect keyword search volume. Thus, keyword search volume and keyword types are connected to each other.

Does Keyword Search Volume correlate with Organic Click count?

Yes, keyword search volume correlates with organic click count. More user search engagement, query variations, and search sessions end up with a more organic click count. Keyword search volume increases together with search activity. Organic clicking is a type of user search behavior. There is no certain percentage for the correlation between keyword search volume and organic click count. According to the keyword type, season, and trends of the search term, the organic click count and user behaviors vary.

Does Keyword Search Volume affect the SERP Features?

Yes, keyword search volume affects SERP Features. “Query search demand” helps search engines focus on serving the search results with more efficiency and effectiveness. Query search-demand increase or sudden increase in keyword search volume make search engines to diverse the search results with different types of content, and websites (sources) to increase the chance of click satisfaction. A search engine can change SERP features such as image packs, local packs, news stories, stock prices, featured snippets, and knowledge panels based on a certain search behavior change, and search volume increase or decrease. The correlation between search volume and the SERP features related to Information Foraging and query performance for query filtration and refinement methodologies of the search engines.

How does Keyword Search Volume affect Query Semantics?

Keyword search volume affects query semantics by changing the centrality of the phrases and topicality of the themes of words in the queries. Query semantics help a search engine cluster, group, and create a hierarchy between the queries according to the different contexts, and knowledge domains. Keyword search volume affects query semantics by changing the topicality of the specific query. Lexical semantics help search engines create a cluster and hierarchy of terms. Query semantics help to modify the specific lexical hierarchy by understanding the words, sentences, and contexts better as in semantic search engines. Keyword search volume affects the query semantics fundamentally, but a popular query doesn’t have to be a central phrase or a seed query in a query cluster. Entity-oriented search, entity types, attribute types, triples, predicates, and neural matching affect the query semantics together with the keyword search volume. The meaning of the word is more important than its search volume in semantic search engines’ query processing methods.

What is Query Semantics?

Query Semantics (Semantic Query) is a query processing method and mindset for understanding queries with a contextual nature. Synthetic and semantic query processing work together to help users to perform more semantic, meaningful search journeys with structural information to find the related and needed answers, or perform search intents. Query search

How does Keyword Search Volume affect Information Retrieval Score?

Keyword search volume affects information retrieval by increasing the term weight for relevance. Search term in the query affects the relevance of the web document to the query according to the information retrieval zones. Different context terms, co-occurrence and word proximities create different Information Retrieval Scores (IR Scores). The high-search volume keywords have a higher level of weight in the relevance calculation. Keyword search volume affects IR Score by determining the central term, meaning, and context for the relevance of the query to the web page overall.

What is Information Retrieval?

Information Retrieval is a software program to organize information, and documents by storing the information for evaluation. Information retrieval focuses on storage, retrieval, sorting, serving, indexing, and ranking. Information retrieval systems are used by search engines such as web search engines, or offline search engines. Information retrieval is compared to being a librarian since librarians order and sort books according to their relevance to a specific topic. Keywords are used to reach ouıt to specific documents in Information Retrieval Systems (IR Systems). Information Retrieval happens when a user enters a keyword (query) into an IR system to reach out to a document and satisfy their search need and intent.

What is the relationship between Keyword Search Volume and Keyword Difficulty?

The keyword search volume and keyword difficulty difference is that keyword difficulty represents the rankings difficulty for the specific query, while keyword search volume involves the number of searches for the specific query. Keyword search volume is a numeric value for expressing the amount of a search, while keyword difficulty is an estimation of the possibility of ranking for the specific query by a web search engine in the search engine result pages.

What is the relevance of Keyword Search Volume to Gibberish Score?

Keyword Search Volume and Gibberish Score Relevance are that keyword search volume affects the writing style of the document that can cause gibberish sentences that do not give information or satisfy the users. Information Retrieval systems try to find the most relevant and quality documents for specific search queries. Thus, IR Systems need web spam fighting algorithms such as SpamBrain to prevent gibberish content rankings just because they provide better relevance scores by using the same word with different lemmas, stemming, and synonyms. Using the same or similar words without giving information causes Gibberish’s score to increase with keyword stuffing. Gibberish score increases are correlated with thin content that doesn’t provide a true value.

Why are Keyword Search Volume and Keyword Stuffing Related?

Keyword Search Volume and Keyword Stuffing are related because high search demand queries are used documents without providing further information. Thus, search engines need to understand when the website operator and webmaster use keyword stuffing and when they provide proper information. Keyword stuffing is a prominent concept for SEO. Web spam-fighting teams and web spam-fighting algorithms are able to find spinned, duplicated content without added value. Keyword search volume affects the frequency of keyword stuffing attempts. Thus, Google has Phrase-based Indexing patents from Anna Patterson to detect different types of discordant phrases or phrase stuffing attempts.

Last Thoughts on Keyword Search Volume and Holistic SEO

Last thoughts on Keyword Search Volume and Holistic SEO involves the interpretations and comments about the Keyword Search Volume and its connection to Holistic SEO.

Keyword Search Volume is an important, useful and strategic concept for understanding how a search engine can organize the specific search engine result pages for the specific query. Holistic SEO involves every vertical of search engine optimization along with every method. Keyword search volume understanding is prominent for leveraging organic search performance, content development, relevance calculation, and optimization. Query search demand or keyword search volume is included in semantic SEO efforts. Semantic SEO focuses on meaning-based search engine optimization. Keyword search volume involves the frequency of search term phrases in a certain amount of time. High search-demand phrases in the queries represent important attributes, entities, contexts, and concepts along with question and answer formats. Keyword search volume helps SEOs to organize web pages further and leverage information. High keyword search volume doesn’t justify keyword stuffing. Thus, repeating the same keyword over and over again increases the Gibberish Score while decreasing the quality of the content. Thus, focusing on the meaning and conceptual map behind popular search terms is better for SEO rather than string matching. Keyword definition and keyword search volume definition are connected to each other to express the role of keyword search volume. A keyword is a phrase that is used in documents and queries. Thus, keyword search volume involves the frequency of a phrase for a certain time. Every phrase has a certain meaning. And, every meaning has a certain topic, context, and knowledge domain. Thus, keyword search volume should be processed in semantics for understanding the relevance calculation methods of search engines.

Below, is a video by Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR (CEO of Holistic SEO) that is performed together with SEMrush, and explains what keyword search volume is and how it helps.

Koray Tugberk GUBUR’s video for Keyword Search Volume.

The Keyword Search Volume Guide and Tutorial will be updated in the light of new information for SEO.

Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR
Latest posts by Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR (see all)

4 thoughts on “Importance of Keyword Search Volume for SEO”

  1. Great information as usual but you’ve mentioned the main index and supplemental index which I wrote about in the last few days and John Muller responded Google has not used these types of indexes since 2010, so what do you think?

    • In the video and the article, it is stated that it was used, and any document that is not served by Google despite it being crawled is already in their supplemental index. Before 2010, it was an official implementation. After 2010, the concept changed its meaning with Indexing Tiers and Shards. So, John tells the truth. It is not used. I have mentioned these concepts to show the similarity of today to the past.

  2. Hello Koray, thanks for information, great share

    Out of curiosity, the Term “keyword search volume” mention 200+ in this document, is it by design? Any specific ratio you use to determine the frequency?

    • Hello Viktor,

      Thank you for your kind words, and question.
      It wasn’t on intention. But, sometimes creating different word-proximity ranges, and word concurrences to state the main context and sub-contexts is useful. I didn’t target a certain frequency, or a certain appearance, it happened naturally. I hope this answer helps.


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Importance of Keyword Search Volume for SEO

by Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR time to read: 21 min