B2P Marketing: How it Works, Benefits, and Strategies


B2P marketing, known as Business-to-People marketing, represents a revolutionary shift in marketing strategies, acknowledging that individuals, rather than corporate entities, ultimately drive purchasing decisions. The business-to-people approach targets specific professionals or end users within businesses, recognizing their unique needs, preferences, and expectations. B2P marketing emphasizes personalized interactions and tailored experiences, aiming to build strong relationships …

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SEO for Casino Websites: A SEO Case Study for the Bet and Gamble Industry


Casino Search Engine Optimization is to provide a better organic search performance for websites from the gambling market and industry. SEO for Casino Websites involves competitive branding, historical data, search sessions, Information Retrieval, and Extraction optimization for gambling types and betting industries. Search Engine Optimization for casinos and casino affiliate websites is implemented with numerous …

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Semantic HTML Elements and Tags

Semantic HTML tags are used to define the function and meaning of elements within a website’s Document Object Model (DOM). These tags work in conjunction with other HTML elements to create web documents that are both accessible and optimized for search engines. For example, the “main” tag indicates the primary content of a parent HTML …

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What is Interaction to Next Paint (INP), and How to Optimize It

What is Interaction to Next Paint (INP), and How to Optimize It

Interaction to Next Paint (INP) is a Core Web Vitals (CWV) metric to measure the web page’s interactivity for user experience quality. INP is a user-centric page speed metric that affects search engine optimization performance, conversion rate, and user satisfaction. Interaction to Next Paint replaced First Input Delay (FID) in March 2024 in Core Web …

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Entity Identity Creation and Management: A Feminist SEO Case Study

Entity Identity Management

Entity Identity resolution is the process of recognizing an entity with its type, attributes, and values. Entity-Idendity Resolution is distinct from named entity recognition, but it is a necessary step in the process. Entities are living things inside the Knowledge Bases with different attribute-value pairs, which means that their identity changes with other types of …

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Exact Match Domain SEO: Why does EMD Work for Rankings – Case Study

Exact matching domain

The exact match domain refers to a domain name that involves phrases with the search demand from the web search engines. An exact match domain can have multiple keywords with search volume in the domain name. Exact match domains involve brandinizing the query for ranking purposes. An exact match domain can rank higher than other …

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Importance of Entity, Attribute, Value (EAV) Architecture for SEO: Choosing the Right Attributes with Accurate Values from Text

Entity Attribute Value

The entity, Attribute, Value (EAV) Architecture for SEO involves different types of entities, their attributes, and values within the data model to encode a space-efficient knowledge base. Knowledge representation includes different types of methodologies such as semantic networks, frames, and production rules. The entity, Attribute, Value (EAV) model is to provide a better knowledge representation …

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Semantic Search for Semantic SEO: Understanding the Verbs of Life

Frame Semantics and Holistic SEO

Semantic search is a search behavior that relies on the meanings of concepts, words, and sentences. Semantic search is a mutual feature between semantic search engines and semantic searches. Semantic search sessions involve understanding the meaning of every word, and sentence in web documents and queries based on human language and neural nets. Semantic web …

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How to Expand a Topical Map for Higher Topical Authority?

Topical Maps

Topical Authority is a positive ranking state. The concept of Topical Authority is founded, and integrated into the semantic SEO discipline with the “Importance of Topical Authority Case Study”. The same case study explained concepts within the scope of Semantic SEO, such as Topical Borders, Topical Coverage, Topical Maps, and Historical Data. All these concepts …

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SaaS SEO Strategies, Guideline, and Case Study: 40x Organic Traffic Increase

saas seo case study

SaaS (Software as a service) SEO refers to an SEO Project and effort for improving the organic search performance of a SaaS website. SaaS B2B and SaaS B2C SEOs differ from each other in terms of SEO strategies and tactics. SaaS SEO takes support from the different sub-verticals of SEO, such as Local SEO, Semantic …

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Importance of Lexical Semantics and Semantic Similarity (Closeness) for SEO – (An SEO Case Study with 5 Websites)

Lexical Semantics (lexicosemantics) is the relationship of words to each other. Lexical Semantics include different types of word relations such as meronyms, holonyms, antonyms, synonyms, hypernyms, and hyponyms. Semantic Similarity means the closeness and relevance between two words. Semantic relations between words (lexical semantics) and distance between words’ meanings (semantic closeness) are used by semantic …

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B2B (Business to Business) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Guide: Strategies and Case Studies

B2B SEO Tutorial

Business to Business (B2B) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is organic search visibility increasing strategy to increase the revenue, conversions, brand value, and organic traffic on search engines such as Google, Yandex, Microsoft Bing, DuckDuckGo, and Yep. B2B SEO involves business analysis, and content marketing for key decision-makers such as CEOs, CMOs, and CFOs. Business to …

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Holistic SEO Case Study: The Importance of a Holistic Approach and Clear Communication to SEO

Holistic SEO Case Study

Digital PR and Local SEO worked together to improve the authority of the site and bring a significant increase in relevant traffic to Encazip.com within 3 to 6 months. The general precept of this SEO project was: “Every pixel, millisecond, byte, letter, and user matters for SEO” Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR The project was led by …

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Importance of Lexical Semantics and Semantic Similarity (Closeness) for SEO – (An SEO Case Study with 30 Websites)

Lexical Semantics Definition, Uses

Lexical Semantics (lexicosemantics) is the relationship of words to each other. Lexical Semantics include different types of word relations such as meronyms, holonyms, antonyms, synonyms, hypernyms, and hyponyms. Semantic Similarity means the closeness and relevance between two words. Semantic relations between words (lexical semantics) and distance between words’ meanings (semantic closeness) are used by semantic …

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Importance of “Entity-oriented Search” Understanding for SEO: Beyond Strings

Entity Oriented Search

Entity-oriented Search Understanding is an important part of Search Engine Understanding or Search Engine Communication. These terms might be new to the traditional understanding of SEO, but the process of understanding a search engine is a daily routine for any SEO to analyze the search engines’ decision trees that create their result pages. Entity-oriented Search …

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Kalicube Pro SaaS Review: Shape Your Entity Identity

Kalicube Pro Review

Kalicube Pro is the unique, and only Brand SERP and Knowledge Panel SEO technology that focuses on E-A-T signals on the Brand SERP. Kalicube Pro provides SERP analysis to understand the brand’s position on the open web, and how the brand-related queries are perceived by search engines. As a Knowledge Panel Management technology, Kalicube Pro …

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Importance of Keyword Search Volume for SEO

Keyword Search Volume

Keyword Search Volume is an SEO metric used to understand and optimize the query search demand for certain phrases that web search engine users type into the search bar to satisfy their search intent. Keyword search volume is a fundamental concept for SEO, and information retrieval systems to understand the relevance of a document to a query.

Keyword Difficulty: Definition, Examples, Usage, and Importance for SEO

Keyword Difficulty

Keyword Difficulty involves the difficulty of ranking for a certain query term that is used by web search engine users to perform a search query. Keyword difficulty is used by search engine optimization technologies and experts to define the possibility and need of work to be ranked for a certain query. Keyword difficulty is invented …

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Google Author Rank: How Google Knows which Content Belongs to Which Author?

Google Author Rank

Google Author Rank involves the Google search engine’s methodologies to understand, define and rank an author for a topic for the author’s expertise, authority, and validity. Google can understand the author’s vectors, language, and even accent from the audio recordings. Facial recognition, voice recognition, or even action recognition help search engines to differentiate a person …

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A Tribute to the Greatest SEO Theoretician and Philosopher, Bill Slawski

Bill Slawski SEO

Bill Slawski, the person who educated thousands of search engine optimization experts, and even engineers with his over 2000 articles with millions of words for explaining the complex search engine systems were taken from us on 19th May 2022. Bill Slawski is a Philosopher of Search, and Search Engines because he wasn’t only explaining search …

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Missing HSTS from Web Server

“Missing HSTS from HTTPS Server” or Missing HSTS Error and warning involves the missing HSTS response header and command from the response of the webserver. HSTS provides end-to-end secure web browsing and website session for web users. Missing HSTS is a concern for web security and user privacy. Websites use HTTP to HTTPS redirection to …

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Proxy-Authenticate HTTP RequestHeader: Syntax, Directive, Examples

Proxy-Authenticate HTTP Request Header provides credentials for auditing in order to support proxy server verification. The primary function of the Proxy-Authenticate header is to connect the files and folders to the server. The Header is used to keep the server safe from foreign Requests. The related HTTP Status Code for the HTTP Header is “407” …

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HTTP Authentication: Basic Authentication

HTTP Authentication (Basic Authentication Access) is to provide a secure connection between the user-agent and the webserver. HTTP Authentication requires the usage of specific HTTP Headers. Hypertext Transfer Protocol requires a username, password, user-agent for access to the webserver. A User-agent uses a web browser to authenticate via HTTP. To provide HTTP Authentication, the credentials …

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Accept-Post HTTP Header: Syntax, Directive, Examples

Accept-Post HTTP Header

The Accept-Post HTTP Response Header signifies that the post is acceptable on the requested resource and approved document format. The Accept-Post HTTP Response header will mention one or more supported document/media types when sent as a Response to the unsupported file. When an unsupported document type is sent as an HTTP Post request to the …

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Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only: Syntax, Directive, Examples

Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only-HTTP Header

The Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only is an HTTP Response Header created for pinning violations. The HTTP Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only response header sends a report to the report-URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) for pinning violations. Pinning is a method that permits you to define a cryptographic identity. Pinning provides security improvement for a website that depends on SSL Certificates. SSL (Secure Sockets …

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Access-Control-Allow-Credentials HTTP Header: Syntax, Directive, Examples

Access-Control-Allow-Credentials HTTP Header

The Access-Control-Allow-Credentials is an HTTP response header that notifies the web browser to display the response when the Request’s credentials mode is “include”. Request’s credentials is a read-only property that contains the credentials of the request. Credentials can be in a form of cookies, authorization headers, or client certificates. The “include” command refers to the …

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TK HTTP Header: Syntax, Directive, Examples

TK HTTP Header

The TK is an HTTP response header that determines the tracking status of the equivalent request. The Tk-HTTP response header is defined to communicate the web server’s tracking performance. Tracking is the compilation of data concerning a specific user’s activity across multiple distinct contexts, or the sharing of information obtained from the user’s activity outside …

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Access-Control-Max-Age: Syntax, Directive, Examples

Access-Control-Max-Age HTTP Header

The Access-Control-Max-Age is an HTTP Response Header that determines the length of time the results of a preflight request can be cached. The results of a preflight request are the information included in the Access-Control-Allow-Methods and Access-Control-Allow-Headers HTTP response headers. By default, the number of seconds the results of a preflight request can be cached …

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Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Syntax, Directive, Examples

Access-Control-Expose-Headers HTTP Header

Access-Control-Expose-Headers is an HTTP response header that determines which headers are to be exposed to the client scripts on a web browser, as a part of a response to a CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) request. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is an HTTP-header-based mechanism that allows verified access to other resources located outside the domain. The …

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Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP Header: Syntax, Directive, Examples

Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP Header

The Access-Control-Allow-Origin is a HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Response Header that determines if the response is allowed to be shared with the requesting code from a specified origin. The Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP response header notifies the web browser if the response can be shared by returning the value of the `Origin` request header, which can either …

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Accept-Encoding HTTP Header: Principles, Types, Working Examples

Accept-Encoding HTTP Header

The Accept-Encoding HTTP request header determines the content compression algorithm that will be accepted. Accept-Encoding HTTP Header is related to Content-Encoding. When data are compressed in Content-Encoding, the Accept HTTP header will inform the browser whether a client can manage the compressed algorithm of the website. Content-Encoding is used for data compression, where representation’s data …

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Accept-CH HTTP Header: Principles, Types, Working Examples

Accept-CH HTTP Header

The Accept-CH is an HTTP response header used by the webserver to request other information from web browsers regarding the client’s device, network, and user agent preferences. The Accept-CH HTTP header allows web servers to customize the content they serve by optimizing images and other content for mobile devices or users on low-bandwidth connections. The …

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Accept-Language HTTP Header: Principles, Types, Working Examples

Accept-Language HTTP Header

Accept-Language is a type of HTTP Request header that determines the client’s preferred language, either the local or the natural language. The Accept-Language HTTP Request header can include multiple languages. Accept-Language HTTP request header values can be separated with a comma. The search engine determines the appropriate values for the Accept-Language HTTP Request header based …

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Access-Control-Allow-Methods: Syntax, Directive, Examples

Access-Control-Allow-Methods HTTP Header

The Access-Control-Allow-Methods is an HTTP response header that determines the acceptable methods to connect to a specific resource in response to the given preflight request. A preflight request allows a web server to check how the actual request will appear before being created. The web server will recommend a web browser if the actual request …

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Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Syntax, Directive, Examples

Access-Control-Allow-Headers HTTP Header

The Access-Control-Allow-Headers is an HTTP response header that specifies which HTTP headers are supported by the response’s URL for the CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) protocol. A Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is an HTTP-header-based method that enables a web server to determine any other origin or domain than its own from which a web browser allows …

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Authorization HTTP Header: Syntax, Directive, Examples

Authorization HTTP Header

Authorization HTTP Request Header is an HTTP header for authorization of access to a web server. HTTP Authorization is used for securing resources within a web server. The Authorization HTTP Header is used with WWW-Authenticate HTTP Header. If there is a protected resource with HTTP WWW-Authenticate, the webserver will give the 401 HTTP Status Code. …

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Content Negotiation: Principles, Types, Working Examples


Content Negotiation is the method used by a client to request a specific Representation that fits the user requirements. The most suitable Representation for the user agent is selected from various presentations from the REST (Representational State Transfer) resources. The advantage of Content Negotiation is that it allows the technology to be released from the …

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Accept-CH-Lifetime HTTP Header: Syntax, Directive, Examples

Accept-CH-Lifetime HTTP Header

The Accept-CH-Lifetime HTTP header is set by the webserver to define the persistence of the Accept-CH HTTP header value. The Accept-CH HTTP response header specifies which HTTP Client Hints the client should include in subsequent requests. The Accept-CH HTTP response header is used by the webserver to request additional information from web browsers about the …

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SEO Chat: A Twitter Event for Innovating SEO

SEO Chat

SEO Chat is a Twitter Event that is performed over the #SEOChat hashtag to innovate SEO. SEO chat Twitter Event is started by Mordy Oberstein to support the SEO’s communication, friendship, and information share. SEO chat Twitter Events involve questions and answers related to search engine optimization. The digital marketing-related facts and SEO-related practices are …

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Extractive Summarization with BERT Extractive Summarizer

Extractive Summary Tool and BERT Extractive Summarizer

Extractive Text Summarization with BERT Extractive Summarizer involves summarizing an article with the extracted key information via BERT natural language model. Extractive summarization is to provide decreased memory usage while protecting the content’s value. Information about the content is protected via extractive summarizers. BERT is used to understand human languages via RNN, Attention mechanisms, and …

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Proxy-Authorization HTTP Request Header: Syntax, Directive, Examples

Proxy-Authorization HTTP Header

Proxy-Authorization HTTP Request Header is an HTTP header for authorization of the requests to a proxy server. The usage purpose of the HTTP Proxy-Authorization Request Header while requesting a file, or folder from the webserver is to provide a secure data transfer between the client and the webserver. The HTTP Request Header should be used …

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Digital Marketing Statistics: List of Digital Marketing Facts for 2023

Digital Marketing Statistics

Digital Marketing Statistics involve the facts and dynamics of the digital marketing types, and efforts with numeric values. Digital marketing statistics demonstrate the changes and the trends for the online user behaviors for shopping, advertising, or searching. Digital marketing statistics are created by digital marketing research and education sources and organizations. A digital marketing statistic …

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Importance of Initial-Ranking, Re-ranking, and Historical Data for SEO: 10,000 Queries, Daily 300 Clicks in 20 Days

Semantic Content Network

Initial ranking score and historical data for SEO are two useful concepts to understand a website’s (source) potential to be able to rank for a query network, phrase variations, or topical cluster initially. Initial Ranking and Re-ranking are two different phases of the ranking process of Search Engines. Understanding Initial Ranking and Re-ranking Processes, and …

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NLTK and Python WordNet: Find Synonyms and Antonyms with Python

NLTK Wordnet for Synonym Finding

NLTK Wordnet can be used to find synonyms and antonyms of words. NLTK Corpus package is used to read the corpus to understand the lexical semantics of the words within the document. A WordNet involves semantic relations of words and their meanings within a lexical database. The semantic relations within the WordNet are hypernyms, synonyms, …

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Test Page for Indexing API of Google and Bing

This is a test (this is a description section test addon) page for the Indexing API of the different search engines such as Bing, Yandex, and Google. Indexing API is an application interface for letting search engines know about the new web pages or updates on the new pages for modifying their indexes. This test …

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NLTK Lemmatization: How to Lemmatize Words with NLTK?

NLTK Lemmatization

NLTK Lemmatization is the process of grouping the inflected forms of a word in order to analyze them as a single word in linguistics. NLTK has different lemmatization algorithms and functions for using different lemma determinations. Lemmatization is more useful to see a word’s context within a document when compared to stemming. Unlike stemming, lemmatization …

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“link rel=preload”: How to Preload Key Requests with Browser Hints

Preload Resources

“Link rel=preload” is a browser hint to provide resource loading prioritization to improve the web page loading performance and speed. Preload is a value for the “rel” attribute of the HTML “link” tag to fetch a web page resource earlier than others. To improve the initial contact with users by improving the user experience, preload …

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NLTK Stemming Words: How to Stem with NLTK?

NLTK Stemming

NLTK Stemming is a process to produce morphological variations of a word’s original root form with NLTK. Stemming is a part of linguistic morphology and information retrieval. The root of the stemmed word has to be equal to the morphological root of the word. Stemming algorithms and stemming technologies are called stemmers. Natural Language Tool …

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NLTK Tokenize: How to Tokenize Words and Sentences with NLTK?

NLTK Tokenization

To tokenize sentences and words with NLTK, “nltk.word_tokenize()” function will be used. NLTK Tokenization is used for parsing a large amount of textual data into parts to perform an analysis of the character of the text. NLTK for tokenization can be used for training machine learning models, Natural Language Processing text cleaning. The tokenized words …

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List of HTTP Headers: Definitions, Types, Usage, Syntax, and Directives

List of HTTP Headers

List of HTTP Headers contain the security, server, client hint, redirect, and other types of HTTP Headers based on their types, syntaxes, and uses. HTTP Headers are to let web servers serve additional information as a response to an HTTP request or response. The format of the HTTP Headers contains an HTTP Header with case-insensitive …

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HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) Response Header


HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is a protocol policy to protect websites against cybersecurity issues such as man-in-the-middle attacks, protocol downgrade attacks, cookie hijacking. HSTS forces web browsers and user-agents to interact with only the HTTPS version of the website. HTTPS provides a Transport Layer Security (TLS). HTTP Strict Transport Security has been specified within …

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HTTP Security Response Headers: Definition, Usage, Syntax and TYPES

Security Response Headers

HTTP Security Response Headers are designed to balance the usability and security of website users. HTTP Security Response Headers include Content Security Policy, HTTP Strict Transport Security, X-frame Options, XSS Protection, X-content-type Options, and referrer policy. HTTP Security Response Headers are designed to improve the privacy of the users, and the security of the web …

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Google’s Knowledge Panel: How to Get, Manage and Optimize?

Get a Knowledge Panel

A knowledge panel is an information box that can show an entity’s features, attributes, and prominence for a topic with the information from Google’s Knowledge Graph. Information in knowledge panels is automatically generated, and information appears from different sources on the web. Google can combine information from various open web sources with data provided by …

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What is AMP: Definition, History, and Usage

AMP Definition and Guide

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is an open-source technology developed by the AMP Open Source Project and supported by Google. Announced in October 2015 as an internal project at Google, pages supporting this technology have been displayed as such in Google Search results since February 2016. After being criticized for the control given to Google on …

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User-centric Web Page Speed Performance Metrics

User Centric Performance Metrics

User-centric web page speed performance metrics focus on different verticals that affect the perception of users for the page loading performance of a website. User-centric performance metrics are announced by Google Developers and W3C Web Performance Working Group to organize the concepts that are related to the Lighthouse. User-centric performance metrics involve the relativity of …

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Multilingual SEO Guide and Case Study with 425% Organic Growth in 6 Months

Multilingual SEO

Multilingual and Multiregional SEO Guide will be told over a concrete SEO Success Case Study and example with 41 different languages, and countries in the context of international SEO. ForexSuggest.com is the subject of the Multilingual SEO Case Study. During the Multilingual and Multiregional SEO Case Study, nearly a new content is not being published, …

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Named Entity Recognition: Definition, Examples, and Guide

Named Entity Recognitiont

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a procedure with which clearly identifiable elements (e.g. names of people or places) can be automatically marked in a text. Named Entity Recognition was developed as part of the computer linguistic method of Natural Language Processing (NLP), which is about processing natural language laws in a machine-readable manner. What is the Working Principle of Named Entity Recognition? The working …

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What are Pop-up Blockers and How to Use Pop-up Blockers from Browsers?

Pop-up Blockers

Pop-up blockers that prevent advertising windows from being displayed in the browser are usually referred to as blockers. One could therefore also speak of ad blockers. Sometimes the so-called robots.txt is also referred to as a blocker. Pop-up blockers usually exist in the form of a browser plug-in or browser extensions for Firefox, Internet Explorer …

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How to Use Bertopic for Topic Modeling and Content Analysis?

topic modeling berttopic

BERTopic is a topic clustering and modeling technique that uses Latent Dirichlet Allocation. Bertopic can be used to visualize topical clusters and topical distances for news articles, tweets, or blog posts. Bertopic can be installed with the “pip install bertopic” code line, and it can be used with spacy, genism, flair, and use libraries for …

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What is the Expires HTTP Header?

Expires HTTP Header

HTTP Expires Header is a header that provides the date and time for specifying the limit for the response’s content staleness. This header can be set by either server or client, depending on who sends it first. It can also be sent in case of no other headers are specified. This type of request/response specifies …

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How to Translate a Website within Pandas Dataframe via Python?

Translate a Website with Python

Translating a data frame is the process of changing a data frame values’ language to another language without changing the context, meaning, or content. Translating a Pandas Data Frame with Python can be done with Google’s “googletrans” library. In this article, I will crawl a website by taking its semantic content into a data frame …

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Download Images from Website with Python in Scale

Download Images with Python

Downloading all images from a website can be done by downloading all of the websites, or crawling all of the websites and extracting all of the “<img>” HTML Elements’ “src” attributes’ values. Usually, scraping and downloading images from websites is important and necessary for image optimization, compression, or writing alt tags with AI or the …

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Cache-Control HTTP Response Header

Cache-control HTTP Header

Cache-control is an HTTP response header to determine browser caching time span for a specific web page resource. Cache-control includes a resource’s caching methodology, where to cache, and its expiration date with maximum age (time to live). Cache-control HTTP Header regulates browser caching policies for clients. Examples for Cache-Control Response Header Cache-control example values and …

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What is TCP Slow Start?

TCP Slow Start

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a connection balancing algorithm that controls the number and speed of connections a server can open and protects the server. In order to avoid overloading a network with an unexpectedly large burst of data, TCP slow start probes the network slowly to confirm the available capacity. During the beginning of …

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What is HTTP Etag?

Entity Tag Definition

The ETag HTTP response header is a qualifier for determining version of a web page resource from a website’s server that requested by the requestor which is a web browser user. ETag is used for efficient browser cache in order to decrease bandwidth consumption. If a website uses ETag for its web page resources, the …

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Content Farming and Content Farm: How to Detect and Avoid Them?

Content Farm

Content Farming is to rapidly produce very high and low-quality content in different domains. Used for content farming, online advertising, and visibility. Content Farm is often optimized to gain visibility in Search Engines. The purpose of Content Farmers is to get as many organic visitors as possible, to create more Return of Investment (ROI) through …

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Data Science SEO and Visualization: Retrieving SERP, Crawling Landing Pages, and Analyzing Google Algorithms with Python

SEO Data Science

This article has been prepared as a tutorial to show how to Retrieve Google SERP with regular periods, animate the differences to see Google Search Engine’s preference and experiment algorithms. In this article, we will use Semantic Search Queries to understand the topical coverage and topical authority of certain domains. We will retrieve all of …

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What is Pagination: Paginated Content and SEO Effect

Pagination SEO

In connection with websites and search engine optimization, the term pagination is used for content that is not completely displayed on one page. Pagination describes the distribution of content on more than one URL, whereby you can “scroll” to the following and previous URLs. Problems with duplicate content often result from paginated shop or directory pages, since pages …

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Importance of Topical Authority for SEO

SEO Case Study

Topical Authority is a semantic SEO methodology to rank higher on search engine result pages by processing connected topics and entailed search queries with accurate, unique, and expert information. The topical Authority concept was founded by Koray Tugberk GUBUR on 18 May 2022 for conceptualizing semantic content marketing. In the Topical Authority SEO Case Study, …

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What is Document Object Model?

Document Object Model

The Document Object Model is a specification of a programming interface which HTML – or XML – document as a tree structure represents in which each node an object is, which represents a part of the document, e.g. B. a paragraph, a heading, a video, or a table cell. The interface is platform and programming language independent and thus allows standardized changes to the structure and layout of a document. In the web browser, this forms …

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Subscription Economy Model: Definition and Examples

Subscription Economy

Netflix does it, Swapfiets does it, Adobe does it: the subscription economy has been the cross-industry growth trend in recent years. The concept is simple: a subscription system that leverages the technical advantages of digital transformation and helps companies grow. What is so attractive about it, especially in the 21st century? The “As a Service” …

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What is Semantic Search? How Does Semantic Search Affect SEO?

Semantic Search

Semantic Search is the way users act on the Search Engine according to the semantic meaning relationships of words and concepts. The content of a concept or entity combines with other meanings and concepts at different points to form a Semantic Hierarchy of Meaning. Search Engines such as Google, Bing, and Yandex put frequently searched …

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What is the IKEA Effect? What Causes the IKEA Effect?

IKEA Effect

In behavioral economics, the IKEA effect is the increase in appreciation that is shown to self-designed or at least self-assembled objects in comparison to mass-produced products that are bought ready-made. The name after the furniture manufacturer IKEA and its products to be assembled by the customer was coined in 2009 by the economist Michael Norton. In terms of quantity, the increased appreciation achieved through the self-assembly of a mass-produced …

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OnCrawl: The Most Prestigious Advanced Technical SEO Crawler

OnCrawl SEO Crawler Review

OnCrawl is the world’s most prestigious Technical SEO Crawler that scans a website with a single click, reports technical SEO errors and needs in a data-driven manner, visualizes and provides insights needed by SEO Projects, and provides live tracking with Data Studio. Read the most detailed Technical SEO Crawler Review as it has ever been …

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What is Hreflang? How to use Hreflang for Localization of Content?

Hreflang Tag Usage

Hreflang is an HTML meta element from RFC 8288 which works for differentiation of the same content for different languages and geography in a symmetric way. Hreflang is being used by webmasters and Search Engines for determining the target of content in terms of geography and language. Hreflang has a canonicalization effect for the URL. …

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Specify a Vary: Accept-Encoding Header: Understanding The HTTP Vary Header

HTTP Vary Conditional Request

The HTTP Vary Response Header is used to indicate which type and format of content are requested from the web site’s server via the browser. This process performed through HTTP Vary Header is called “Content Negotiation”. In the RFC7232 Document, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP / 1.1), this case is called “Conditional Requests”. Accordingly, when entering …

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How to use Google Knowledge Graph API via Python and Advertools?

Entity SEO Knowledge Graph

Google Knowledge Graph produces Knowledge Panels for entities that are reliable and have enough “Search Demand”. Knowledge Panels that appear in SERP show the relationships of related entities and how Google interprets the character of queries and search intent. More information is available on Knowledge Graph and Knowledge Panel features that are of great value …

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What is Country-code Top Level Domain (ccTLD)? ccTLD List for Countries

Country Code Top Level Domain Definition and List

County-code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) is a custom domain extension for a specific country, region, or language. ccTLDs are a type of Top-level Domain. Country-code Top Level Domains are sold to the end-user by different Network Information Center (NIC) for specific countries, languages, and regions through the relevant domain registrar organizations. ccTLD or Country-code Top-Level …

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What is a Domain Name? What does Domain Name Mean?

What is a Domain Name

An Internet address or domain name is the equivalent of your mailing address on the Internet. It’s how your contacts and customers will find your website on the web. A domain name is therefore essential when creating a website. An Internet address consists of a “www” (world wide web) prefix and a domain name. This domain name is itself composed of a character string …

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How to Create an Entity Relation Diagram with Information Extraction with Python for SEO?

Knowledge Graph Creation via Python for SEO

A knowledge graph is a graph that consists of different types of entities and their connection to each other. Search Engines create a Knowledge Graph while crawling the web so that they can easily detect the relations between entities and understand the purpose of the web page or relevance of the web page for certain …

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What is Semantic SEO? How to Use Semantic SEO for Better Rankings

Semantic SEO

Semantic SEO is to create a content network in a relevant and meaningful structure for each entity within a subject. Semantic SEO is connecting terms, entities, facts to each other within a factual accuracy and relational relevance. By focusing on meanings and topics instead of words, it has the purpose of satisfying the search intent …

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What is Total Blocking Time and How to Optimize It?

Total Blocking Time Optimization

Total Blocking Time (TBT) is a load responsiveness metric that measures the usability of the web page during the loading. Total Blocking Time is an important user-centric performance metric that compares the time amount of non-responsive and responsive time during the rendering phase of the web page. Input responsiveness or the interactivity between the web …

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What Is Buzz Marketing? Buzz Marketing Examples and Definition Explained

What is Buzz Marketing

Buzz marketing is a digital branch of recommendation marketing. It is closely related to word-of-mouth marketing, in German: word of mouth. This type of marketing aims to ensure that so-called buzz agents are among friends and acquaintances, but above all online, e.g. on social media platforms, talk about a product, initiate conversations and communicate recommendations. …

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What is Time to Interactive (TTI) and How to Optimize It?

Time to Interactive Definition and Optimization

Time to Interactive (TTI) is the performance metric that measures when the web page’s subresources have been downloaded and when the user can interact with the web page. Time to Interactive is not just about “loading responsiveness”. It is also about the “downloading the main resources of the web page”. To measure and understand the …

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Load Balancer: Definition, Types, Importance, and Benefits

Load Balancing

Load balancing is essential in modern computing ecosystems, ensuring the optimal distribution of workloads across diverse computing resources. The central component that facilitates this task is a load balancer, which effectively manages and routes incoming network traffic to multiple servers or devices. By studying the definition, types, significance, and benefits of load balancers, businesses, and …

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How to Categorize URL Parameters and Queries via Python for Analyzing SEO

How to Categorize URLs via Python

URL Parameters are important for SEO and Search Engine Crawlers. Different parameters can have different functions and meanings for both users and Search Engines. Complex URL Parameters can confuse the Search Engine’s Algorithms and create Ranking Signal Dilution in terms of SEO. Also, using and creating unnecessary repetitive and duplicate content with looping products, services …

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How to Check Grammar and Language Errors in Content via Python?

Check Grammar Errors with Python

When it comes to SEO, spelling errors, word errors, inverted sentences are factors that affect the user experience and damage the publisher’s expertise. Google Algorithm has been competing since the era of Panda and RankBrain Algorithms to spot both “stemming” and spelling errors, correct them, and rewrite queries. Google has also released a style guideline …

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How to Perform Text Analysis via Python and Advertools

Text Analysis with Python

Text or content is a written source that conveys certain information in a certain structure, emotion and voice, and with different methodologies. Each piece of writing can be perceived as better with a specific subject in different aspects. Using different spelling techniques, sentence structures, or using different words makes the two texts on the same …

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How to Perform TF-IDF Analysis via Python?

How to perform TF-IDF Analysis via Python

TF-IDF Analysis is one of the oldest methodologies to understand the context. Calculating the weights of a word in a document can help SEOs to understand documents on a SERP for a specific query or a web entity’s content structure and methodology. TF-IDF or Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency is useful to extract the …

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PyTrend Guideline: Create Dashboard for Google Trends with Python

Pytrend SEO Usage

Google Trend is an application of Google which shows the search terms’ trends over time for different geographies. It shows real-time search trends and daily search trends for every city in the world. Thanks to Google Trend, understanding the users’ intent through different seasons for different queries is easier. Also, real-time events and real-world entities …

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On-Page SEO: Definition and Ranking Factors

On Page SEO

Search engine optimization has always been based on two pillars: off-page and on-page SEO (External and Internal Factors for Ranking a web entity on the SERP). As the name suggests, on-page SEO includes all internal website factors. They start with the content of the website, lead through the page structure, and internal links to meta tags. Anyone who …

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Alt Tag and Text for SEO: Definition and Best Practices

Alt Tag and Alt Text Optimization for SEO

The alt tag (alt attribute or alternative tag) can be used to mark images and graphics within an HTML document. If the image display is selected in a browser, the alt tag is displayed instead of the image. In the context of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), it is an important parameter in on-page optimization, since Google can understand better …

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RankBrain: Everything About Google’s Rankbrain Algorithm

Rankbrain Algorithm

RankBrain refers to an algorithm used by Google, which, with the help of machine learning and artificial intelligence, is primarily intended to provide relevant search results for previously unanswered search queries. RankBrain is ranked by Google as the third most important ranking factor. RankBrain was rolled out for the first time in early 2015. When RankBrain sees …

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Keyword Stuffing: Definition, Examples, and Effects for SEO

What is Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing generally refers to the excessive and manipulative use of keywords on a page with the aim of improving the page’s ranking for that keyword without creating any benefit for the user. This technique worked until around the beginning of 2000. It was also common for this tactic to include keywords as “hidden text”  on the page: keywords in …

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What are Heading Tags: How to Use Heading Tags, Best Practices

Heading Tag Best Practices

The heading tag defines and classifies headings in HTML documents. For example, a first-order heading is defined or opened with </H1>. The heading is then closed again with </H1>. The headings are graded by the number behind the “H”. HTML documents can contain headings from H1 to H6. The heading tag provides an HTML Document with a structure or a hierarchy. A …

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What is a keyword: Everything You Need to Know

Keyword Research

A keyword, also a search term or query, generally designates an entered term in the search box of a search engine. This keyword is then treated by the search engines using their search algorithms and compared with the respective index. The user then receives a Search Engine Results Page (SERP) that lists results for this keyword. For search engine optimization and online marketing, keywords play a fundamental role. To understand keywords, understanding Search Intent …

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What is URL Hijacking? Definition of Typosquatting

URL Hijacking

URL hijacking is the process of incorrectly removing a URL from the search engine index and replacing it with another. The new, wrong URL continues to link to the actual landing page, but not directly, but via a redirect. Since the wrong URL also takes over the ranking of the original page, URL hijacking can lead to a massive drop in visitors. The term URL …

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What is Hidden Content? How to Detect and Avoid It?

What is Hidden Content

Hidden content refers to content or links that can be read from a website in the source text, but is not visible to the visitor of a website. The goal of hiding content is not to restrict the usability of a website (text deserts), but to offer the search engines relevant content. The text enriched and hidden by keyword s has the goal to positively influence the results in the …

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What is Video Sitemap? Everything You Should Know

Video Sitemap

A video sitemap is a basis for providing Google with necessary information about video content. The video sitemap is an XML file and contains the metadata of a video, including the title, description, length, and source of your videos. But why is a video sitemap important? Video content can be recognized and indexed faster by Googlebot Video through a video sitemap. Google …

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What is an image sitemap?

What is image sitemap

Google Image Sitemaps provide Google with about the images contained on a website. Visitors can do an image search on Google. Using Google image extensions in Sitemaps provides the search engine with additional information about the images on the website. The inclusion of image and video content in an XML sitemap can also help Google find out the content that …

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What are Crawl Budget and Efficiency: Definition and Best Practices

Crawl Budget and Quota

The term crawl budget describes the resources that the search engine Google invests in order to record and index the content of a specific website. The collection and indexing of websites are known as crawling. Thus, the crawl budget is the maximum number of pages that can be searched by a particular website. The fact that Google cannot …

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What is Duplicate Content: Effects on SEO and Ways to Avoid

Duplicate Content

Duplicate content (“double content”, “DC” for short) is content that is identical on several pages on the Internet. These are not just copied texts, but above all completely identical individual pages. A distinction is made between internal and external duplicate content: Internal means that the same content is on one domain – for example, on HolisticSeo.Digital. External means …

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Google Caffeine Update: Fresher and Faster Indexing Explained

Google Caffeine Image Update

With the increasing popularity of its own search engine, Google also had to recognize that many established processes no longer worked well enough. After all, the idea behind the algorithm and search index was born at a time when there were several million websites in total. At the latest in 2010, however, millions of subpages were added …

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What is Google Hummingbird Update?

Google Hummingbird Update Effects

The code name Google Hummingbird (also known as the hummingbird algorithm) refers to a search algorithm that has been in use since 2013, which enables Google for the first time to recognize the connection between search queries. With this method, which is also called semantic search, the search engine can analyze the user intention behind the search queries. As a result of the update, Google is increasingly approaching the …

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What is SERP? Search Engine Results Page Definition Explained

SERP Definition

SERP is the abbreviation of “Search Engine Result Page” and refers to the search results page after entering a keyword in a search engine. The order of the search results is crucial for search engine optimization. The first page of the SERPs is often referred to as “Top10”. Every result on the SERP is ordered in descending order in terms of quality, …

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What is Thin Content? Why is so Important?

Thin Content

Thin content is the term for “thin” digital content that offers little or no added value to the user. Google officially rates websites as irrelevant and therefore thin content if they do not meet the requirements of the Webmaster Guidelines. The term thin content first appeared in 2012 when Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines were leaked. Since then, the word …

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Google Phantom Update: Everything You Need to Know

Phantom Update Effects

The Google Phantom Update denotes an unannounced change to the core algorithm (core algorithm). The first of these updates occurred in the spring of 2015. SEO specialists noticed significant changes in the SERPs. The search engine denied the existence of such an update for a very long time. As a nameless update of the heart algorithm, the phantom update is …

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What is a Landing Page?

Landing Page

Landing pages are web pages that potential customers come across through a web search, advertisements, or other marketing measures. The page is usually accessed by entering the URL directly, by clicking on a banner or ad or using the organic search results of search engines. However, it is usually not accessible via the navigation menu of a …

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Understanding Dwell Time: Definition and Importance

Dwell Time

Dwell time, which measures the time that users spend on a webpage before leaving to view search results, is crucial to digital marketing and search engine optimization. Search engines like Google value dwell time as a significant factor of a website’s value and relevance. Website owners and marketers can improve the content, improve user experience, …

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What is a User Interface?

User Interface

A user interface is an interface through which a person can control software or hardware. Ideally, it is user-friendly so that the interaction can be done in a natural and intuitive way. Computer software is called a graphical user interface. Literally translated, user interface means “user interface”. The definition of user interface refers to a generic term to the interface between …

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What is the Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)?


The return on capital employed, or ROCE for short, is one of the key indicators of profitability and shows how large the return on capital employed is. To this end, the ROCE compares the operating result before taxes and interest (EBIT) with the assets tied up in the company. These assets correspond to the total capital minus short-term liabilities and cash and cash equivalents. This …

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What is the Return of Investment (ROI)?

What is the ROI

Return on Investment literally means the return of the investment; that is, capital. The ROI is thus a calculation parameter or an entrepreneurial key figure that provides information about when an investment paid off or whether it is profitable. One also speaks of return on capital, return on investment, or profitability. The profit is set in relation to the capital invested to …

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What is a Log File? How to Open a Log File?

What is Log File

Log files, which are also called event log files, are ordinary text files. It contains all processes that have been defined as relevant by the programmer of the respective application. In the case of a database log file, for example, these are all changes to correctly completed transactions. Are parts of the database deleted, e.g. In the event of …

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What is Click Fraud and How Can You Stop It?

Click Fraud Definition

Click Fraud, in English click fraud, refers to the creation of clicks with malicious or fraudulent intent. Clicks on advertising banners are artificially generated, behind which there is no intention to buy. The goal is either to increase your own income through advertising banners or to push the budget of the competition so far that their banners …

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What is Cost Per Click (CPM): Definition, Examples, Best Practices

What is CPM

The term cost per click (also called CPC as short) describes a method for billing advertising costs in online marketing. The CPC model is used to determine how much an advertiser has to pay if their advertising costs are billed using the Pay per Click (PPC) payment method. Various payment models exist for advertisers on the Internet. One …

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What is Flywheel Marketing Model and Strategy?

Flywheel Marketing Model

With the circular model, you use satisfied customers as an impulse to generate recommendations and further sales. In other words, your business is picking up speed. So we’re not just talking about any new marketing trend here. It’s not just about exchanging a term. We’re not just redefining the same process a bit. If you no longer view …

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What is KPI? Definition, Examples, and Best-Practices

What is KPI

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are simple and understandable performance indicators. The performance that a business unit provides is measured and presented in the form of a key figure. A division can be an individual employee, a team, a department, or the entire company. The key figure shows whether the respective area fulfills its purpose and to what extent …

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What is a Customer Journey? How To Create a Customer Journey Map?

Customer Journey Map

A customer journey map is a visual representation of the experiences that customers have while interacting with a brand or on the way to buying a product. It shows the individual steps and the points of contact (touchpoints) between the company and the customer. Mostly diagrams and tables are used for this representation, but above all infographics. …

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What is Call To Action (CTA)? How to Use CTA in Digital Marketing?

What is KPI

In marketing, the term “call-to-action” or “CTA” describes the active impetus for realizing the economic or strategic goals of an advertising campaign. It asks the consumer to take concrete action. The CTA often embodies the actual intention of a marketing campaign. Because as soon as the consumer has become aware of what the advertised product or service …

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What is Over-optimize Penalty in SEO?

Over Optimization Penalty

The over-optimization penalty is used in connection with an algorithm change of the search engine Google, in which websites can suffer a penalty due to excessive SEO measures. It can manifest itself through a downgrading in the rankings or even exclusion from the search engine index. There is a risk of loss of traffic that is generated by search …

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What is A/B Testing? Ultimate Guideline with Examples

What is AB Testing?

A/B tests (sometimes called split tests) compare two versions of a website to determine which version is more suitable for achieving a defined goal. Such a goal can be, for example, increasing the conversion rate or improving other performance indicators (KPIs). An A / B test compares two website versions by randomly directing visitors to one of the two …

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What is Press Release? Press Release Examples and Guideline

What is Press Release

Press releases are texts that inform press representatives about the latest news from companies, institutions, or associations. The aim is to influence the public’s perception of the company through editorial reporting in the media. A press release is a tool for public relations. This proven medium is by no means, as often claimed, on the descending branch – …

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What is Pillar Content and Topic Clusters?

Pillar Content

Pillar content is a strategy of content marketing that intelligently structures central and secondary content. The basic content is the actual pillar content around which topic clusters are grouped. The long-term effect of this approach is the position of an expert on a particular topic. For many keywords – especially long-tail keywords – this position has a positive …

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What is Lead Generation Marketing? A Guide for Beginners

What is Lead Generation Marketing

A lead  (plural leads ) is a term from the sales/marketing and describes a contact initiation and/or supply of contact information by a potential prospect. One speaks of a “qualified lead” when a potential customer confirms his interest (corresponding to a non-binding purchase intention). Lead marketing or lead generation marketing describes the process of arousing the interest of potential customers …

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Google Panda Update: What did it change?

Google Panda Update

Specifically, the Panda update is a filter that is regularly applied to the entire Google index and significantly reduces the visibility of poor-quality websites, i.e. significantly shifts their rankings in the search results pages. The algorithm change was first introduced on February 23, 2011, in the US search market and then launched on April 11, …

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What is Content Seeding? What should you know?

What is Content Seeding

Content Seeding is a planned approach to spread to content on the web. The content creator specifically contacts relevant influencers to persuade them to disseminate their content and use the relevant channels to distribute the content. The influencers use their own networks to disseminate this content. With this approach, marketers aim to increase the awareness of its own brand and the …

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What is Guerilla Marketing? Everything You Need to Know

Guerilla Marketing

Guerrilla marketing describes a special form of marketing that relies heavily on the surprise effect. It is often characterized by the principle that a small advertising impact can have a great advertising effect. The idea of guerrilla marketing goes back to marketing professional Jay C. Levinson, who developed the basic concept in the 1980s. Guerrilla …

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What is NeuroMarketing? Everything You Need to Know

Neuro Marketing

Neuromarketing is the application of the neuro-economic approach to sales-related issues. While neuroeconomics tries to understand and explain economic decision-making processes with the help of neuroscientific methods, neuromarketing uses the same methods and the knowledge derived from neuroeconomics to optimize marketing processes. Neuromarketing is therefore an interdisciplinary research area in the field of market research, …

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What is SWOT Analysis: A Guide for SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is a strategic tool used by businesses to assess their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It helps to evaluate internal factors, such as financial resources and management team, as well as external factors like competition and regulatory changes. By conducting a SWOT analysis, businesses can gain valuable insights to make informed decisions and …

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What is Inbound Marketing? Why is it so important?

What is Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is one of the many disciplines of marketing. The term has been increasingly propagated in the online marketing scene for several years. But what does this discipline actually include and how does inbound marketing work? Should an average marketing department deal with the topic? Many companies see the advantage of this form of …

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Understanding User Search Behavior with Eye Tracking

Eye Tracking

Eye tracking is a groundbreaking technology that provides invaluable insights into user search behavior by monitoring and analyzing eye movements. By utilizing advanced eye tracker software, researchers can better understand how users interact with search engines, websites, and digital content. This information allows designers and developers to optimize user experience, enhance information architecture, and ultimately …

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Ultimate Affiliate Marketing for Beginners: Definition, Examples, and Steps for Affiliates

What is Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is what brands and companies do to generate sales, using affiliates’ referrals to gain quick revenue. The affiliate partners are responsible for bringing traffic to the business’ storefront or website to buy the product or service that it offers. According to the main five affiliate marketing statistics, 80% of brands rely on affiliate …

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What is a Buyer Persona in Marketing?

What is Buyer Persona

A persona, called “buyer persona” in classic marketing, is a fictitious person who represents a specific user segment of a website. In the field of digital marketing, the characteristics of the persona are based on analytical user data. This data gives a clear idea of how users use a website. A persona is therefore an …

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What is the Link Juice (Link Equity)? How to Use Link Equity for SEO?

Link Equity

Link juice, Google juice, or link juice describes the distribution of backlinks within a website and the strength or reputation of these links (PageRank). Both the number and the quality of the links determine how the link juice is composed and what effect it has on the subpages. Most SEOs don’t try to calculate the …

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What is the Google sandbox?

What is Google Sandbox

Google Sandbox is a phenomenon that mainly affects the ranking of young websites. The effect significantly worsens the ranking of these domains. A full definition of the Google sandbox is not possible because the search engine Google is silent about the existence of the supposed filter. Google says that they don’t have such a filter …

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What is the Page Impression?

Page Impression

Page Impressions (Impressions or Page View, abbreviated: PI) is a term from web analysis. This designates a visual contact or the page request of an entire HTML document with a browser. This is why the PI is often referred to as contacts. If page impressions are registered, there is usually no assignment to a specific …

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What is the WHOIS?

WHOIS Definition and Usage

A WHOIS (Who is?) Query gives you information about the owner data of a domain or you can find out whether the domain is still free. The query can include via web hosts and is freely accessible to everyone. While there are numerous registries for domains today, only DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, …

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What is TF-IDF and How to Analyze TF-IDF for SEO

TF-IDF Analyze

TF * IDF is a formula according to which the optimal distribution of subject-related terms or keywords in a text can be determined. However, the procedure for determining this distribution is much more complex than working with keyword density, the simple frequency distribution of keywords. TF * IDF-optimized texts should present a topic in a, …

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What is the User-agent?

User-agent Definition

A user agent is a client-side application for using a network service. The user agent forms the interface to the user, which represents the content of the service and receives commands from the user. Examples of user agents are web browsers, e-mail programs, news readers or IRC clients. Many user agents transfer their name and …

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